Pictures update / Actualización fotos

[19/12/06] → The latest pictures from Argentina and Chile on the way to Isla de Pascua/Easter Island
[24/11/06] → Loads of pictures from Argentina
[24/11/06] → Even more pictures from Brazil and Peru

miércoles, junio 06, 2007

Live for Travelling... Travel for Living

Hi whoever still reads this!!!

It is well passed midnight... and almost half a year since the previous post... why this post??? Because this one is the last one. I need to finish what I started to be able to start new more things. New dreams.

I am sitting in the lounge of my new apartment... it is the first night I am here. It is also the first place I can call my place in more than 20 months. There is an empty fridge and a few empty walls... but it feels really good to have somewhere I can simply call home. It is in Amsterdam. Lovely town more famous for the drugs and sex scene than for its beautiful canals, good museums and great Indonesian restaurants. I have already been here for almost two months enjoying (until today ;D) Ruben and Laura's fantastic hospitality.

Since I went back to what people wrongly call the "real world" I have been trying to figure out one 'big' problem stuck in my head. I was trying to figure out how to live with the feeling I was travelling through life. This way I would be able to experience the things that make me feel so special, and are the leif motiv of this blog: discovering, travelling, chasing change, etc.

Until someone tells me a better way of doing it... I have decided to take a new job in this new beautiful city doing lots of new things. I guess it is a way of keeping my eyes wide open and my life running as if I was in a train that stops everywhere :oD.

How I got here... it is all a successful mixture of fortune, friends and of course family (this order is not base on importance)... what happened before I got the job was basically that I had the chance to realize I am surrounded by great friends that not only accept me the way I am (which proves how incredibly talented they are) but that they actively support, listen to and help me. I hope I have learnt enough from them and that I will behave naturally the same way :o)

Before Amsterdam there was London, Barcelona, Serbia, South of Spain and Morocco with incredible friends, and Jordan with my great family. And of course León. And of course Madrid. And of course Amsterdam.

I am happy. I manage to do lots of things during the last 18 months: manage to conclude the whole trip around this little pretty world we live in; manage to give back a little bit of all I have received and keep on receiving from it; manage to find a way of sorting my little problem (hope all problems in life are as big as mine!). Manage to dream with my eyes wide open. Manage to set an end to this blog (I written this final post around 20 different times in my head).

Now is almost 3am. Perfect time to finish it here. To finish this window open to my thoughts and, in some cases, to yours as well. But not the time to stop going around this world smiling and ringing the bell in my bicycle. There is still a lot of that to come... but you will not read it here... we will laugh about it and tell stories while sharing a beer or a parchita smoothie (depending on where we meet up) in some random bar. Till then, make sure you look after your dreams!

Hope you are all happy, enjoying fully each day!!

Un beso muy fuerte para todos! Seguid siendo felices y disfrutad de cada instante con la intensidad que se merece!!!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

domingo, enero 07, 2007

Felices Reyes Magos!!

Happy New Year to everyone!!! If you are still out there, of course!

Hope you are feeling good after all the parties and huge meals and new toys from the Reyes Magos and Santa Cloux. I am still in the recovery process. You wanna hear something funny¿? We missed the local midnight and had to have the greips tradition while listening to the BigBen. On the good side is that I introduced Isobella and Harvey to this great Spanish classic!!

The feelings since I arrived are very mixed. Super Happy to see family and friends again. The super fun Willy and Laura's wedding where I got considerably hammered. Changing my clothes for the first time in 12 months. Back in my home mountains and other great things.

But at the same time... I am a bit confused... don't know... the days are not as packed as they used to be and somehow life has got out of control... hope it was just Xmas and that I will find my feet on the ground from now onwards. Or may be I just need to change my look... what about this one¿?

A bit boring, maybe... appart from the map behind... sooooooo temmmmmptinggggg... and so much more to see!!!!! hmmmmmmmm... anyway, I guess this time it has to be you, ok¿?!

As I cannot keep my feet quiet, I am off to London on Thursday... to be honest I can't wait to see everybody. I am considering to go and thank Mr. BT plc. for its sponsoring... such a nice touch!!! I will be there one or two weeks to relax, catch up and look for a job. It should be nice and fun...

Another thing is that I am sorry to say we are getting close to the end of this sweet beautiful blog :o)... but there is one trip left... so, if you are still interested, keep connected :oP

Un besito fuerte para todas/os!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa XxX

viernes, diciembre 22, 2006

... en realidad... ché... es medio recomplicado!

Hola a todo el mundo!!! Hello everybody!!!

Last day in this side of the Atlantic, and still a bit hangovered from the Leaving Night with Osku and Sergio... we might not see each other in some time from now, so we decided to visit "Las Cañitas" for the night! Great area... but we still prefer Palermo! More our style... more... how can I say... Cool¿? ;o)

Agos and Lore made a break in their Xmas busy agendas and it was great to meet them so we could say "See You Soon"... now that we know that the world is so little and confirmed that is rounded we are certained that we will meet again somewhere soon ;o)

Osku is already in the air, and I should be flying soon... I will only do it to make sure that what the map says is right. I think is the first time it is so up to date that it can also show the future (Thanks so much BigBro!!!)

I can't really tell you the feelings coz' I don't really understand them... let me get to the old continent so I can find words or at least find one image (that will save me a thousand words!).

The only thing that has moved to the boreal hemisphere is my Xmas attitude (there is none here... or at least it feels like none when you have lived in London before)... and I can't go without sharing with you my wishes for a great New Year and for very Happy Xmas days:

Lots of kisses!!!! Does anybody know what is the weather like in Madrid¿? I'm still in my sandals and shorts, and can't imagine the world being different ;oP Be Happy!!!!

Un beso gordo gordo, sed muy felices en estos días y Buena Onda!!!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

miércoles, diciembre 20, 2006

El Puerto de Buenos Aires!

Hola Chicas/os!!! Ya queda poquito... ultimos días antes de continuar viaje hacia el Viejo Continente. Pero si uno quiere estar en alguna gran ciudad de Sudamérica... esa es Buenos Aires... y por supuesto compartirla con mis Travelling Buddies, con Osku y con Sergines!!

En estos últimos días estamos tratando temas superimportantes como puedes ser una dieta estricta de recuperación de peso a base de bifés de Lomo y Chorizo y otras partes de la vaca argentina que hasta llegar acá desconocíamos. Yo creo que al final conseguiré que me sirva el traje para ir a la boda de Willy... si no... vaqueros ;o).

Muchos paseítos por San Telmo y de ¿?compras¿? por Palermo... bueno, mirando mucho... pero poquito más. Recibiendo los lindos aunque contaminados aires bonarenses y disfrutando de mirar a las minas argentinas por la calle embelleciendo la primavera austral.

Tras un pequeño susto con el billete... que por suerte se solucionó sin problemas parece ser que tenemos confirmada la llegada a Madrid para las 14.30 del 23 de Diciembre... ¿?Preparado para el Shock¿? Para que os voy a engañar... conocéis la respuesta ;o) Pero con muchas ganas de darle un beso muy gordo a la Mami.

Hoy saldremos con Euge & Co a conocer Belgrano... una especie de despedida para una genial anfitriona. Ya llegamos tarde así que lo mejor es que corte con esto.

Un besote muy fuerte para todas y un abracito para todos!! Cuidaros mucho, ok¿?

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

From coast to coast... once more!

Hello Everybody from the Atlantic Ocean!

We (Osku, Sergio and I) are back in the Argentinian coast... surprisingly enough. We are exactly in Pinamar. Normally one visit to this area should be enough, but these two guys tricked me to come for a second round... and... well... same impression about it as the last time.

How did I get here? Well... after the last post (I promised not to mention the topic anymore) booked a flight to Bs As so I could spend the days b4 going back to Europe with Sergio and Osku... so I could prepare for the change shock we have ahead of us ;oP

I skip telling you about Easter Island for various reasons... but, hey, that wasn't fare. Isla de Pascua is one of those amazing places that one thinks he might never visit in his life. Being there was really amazing, including the fact that it was my first time in Polynesia.

The island is supersmall, and you can visit it in less than three days, specially if you meet great people such as Cristobal (thanks so much for your hospitality in Santiago!!! That was superbe!), Mike, Helen, Misato, Ines, Adán and Gonzalo! You can walk to many places, and if the weather is good renting a bicycle is the perfect option (I didn't rent one... guess why!). But the best thing is to travel around in a 4x4. All the places are spectacular and really impressive. What you get in the pictures can really show how this place is. Kind of Magical. Ah... and BTW, Mr. Costner made lots of things up... so don't trust the film (they show it twice a week in one of the bars in the island... classy!!!)

We will probably back in Capital tomorrow... and stay there until Friday... when we flight (back?? forward??) to Europe. I am looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing all your stories of all this time. Hope I can still recognize you!! ;oP. Hugs and kisses for you all!!

Un besote para todas/os... espero daroslo en persona dentro de poco! Cuidaros mucho y disfrutad de cada día!!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

lunes, diciembre 11, 2006

Pinochet is Finally Dead!

Hi everybody! I would lie if I didn't say that I am happy to be in Santiago de Chile in a day like this.

The General (R), as they called him, has died... and half of the people of this town is out to celebrate it. What do I see in people faces¿? Well, I wouldn't call it happines... I would call it relief. Somehow this old man (bastard¿?) had cause so much pain and terror, than even being 91 he was able to make people upset just with being alive.

I had to analize it and compare it to Spain recent history of which I know very little. I could imaging what the streets of Madrid should have looked when the other "horror maker" died the year before I was born. I was looking around me and tried to feel what this guys were feeling... and what my parents probably (surely) felt.

After I heard the news I found myself with Misato (she had never seen something like this... apparently in Japan are more... how can I say... selfcontroled¿?) in Baquedano square, where people met naturaly. People kept on arriving for hours non stop. It was a Carnival. Is it alright to celebrate the dead¿? I guess in some cases can be justified.

After a while, everybody started walking towards the "Palacio de la Moneda". The famous building where the coup d'etat images where taken. Where Allende was killed.

The pictures of faces of the disappeared where everywhere, red flags, blue flags, multicolour flags. And music. There were old people, babies, teens, families. High society and low society mixed together. Songs of revenge and songs of peace and love. Never seen such a mixture of people (even more than in Soho Square in sunny summer day). And they were all together to share this weird feeling of fear and hate, mixed with happines.

The thing hasn't finsihed yet... but it did for me when the lacrimogic bombs started flying and the water trucks decided to rally around the Palace getting everybody wet. This was not my past neither my story. Still it feels very good to be here and be able to show my anger against a criminal, at least on the day of his dead.

I was gonna tell about how nice Easter Island was... but I will do it some other time ;o) These news have capture my attention, and felt I wanted to share it with you. I know lots of you would like to be here as well. No pics... you'll see plenty in the papers. Trust me.

Hope you are keeping yourself in good shape... and that you are ready for the big meals that are ahead of you!

Besos, amor y república! ;oP No, en serio, lo más importante es que estéis todos estupendamente y que las Navidades se presenten con mucha animación. Un beso muy fuerte a todos... y prometo que el prox blog será un poco más divertido!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

lunes, diciembre 04, 2006

Up the Volcano!!!!

Hola a todos! Qué tal van los preparativos de Navidad¿?

Here is Spring... and it is beautiful to walk around the streets of Santiago with all those white Tees... trust me! Got here this morning after a few days of contrast between rushing and relaxing. Don't really know if I am tired or if I am feeling superactive.

Left the island of Chiloé with its pretty wooden churches and houses after last post... and believe or not, but in the quick ferry that links the island to the Continent you can see sea lions and pinguins swimming next to the ship... super cool... can't believe we paid to watch them a few weeks ago in Península Valdés ;o) Dumb!

The weather was rubbish when I was in Puerto Varas... so I didn't stay there long... left to Valdivia before I could see the Osorno Volcano (never mind, I got to see it a couple of days later... just keep on reading). Valdivia is famous for having Spanish forts all over the place and huge Sea Lions and Cormorans that eat all the waste from the Fish Market (smaller than the London one, I am sure... but way cooler!). In summary... it is a weird place... but I couldn't find a bus that could get me to Pucón on the same day and have to spend the night there (movies night ;oD).

Once in Pucón and after a week of taking it easy I got into the rush attitude. In less than an hour since I arrived I had booked a place out of town, the climbing of the Villarica Volcano, the Hot Springs for the night, cooked dinner and done the shopping. Ok... maybe it was a couple of hours instead of one... but still... pretty stressing for my actual pace!

The HotSprings were so good that brought serious memories of Papayacta, Ecuador (don't check back in the blog... that is from the previous trip). Full moon, no clouds, a valley... well... just guess what was missing ;o).

It was a good way of going to bed before the climbing of the Volcano yesterday morning. The day started covered in mist... to become a perfect day for climbing. more than 2.800 metres to the crater, starting from 1.200. Plenty of snow from 1.500 maybe... up up up! until we got to the top. Manu, Mish, Oscar (great guide) and me were the brave team that did it from the bottom (the rest, the clever, took the chair lift). We didn't get to see any lava... but we breathed plenty of gas, trust me.

The views from the top are amazing. That's when I got to see not only the Osorno Volcano, but also the Lanin (it was shy and cloudy when we went to the park a month ago) and Tronador. There are pictures... but none of them captures the view. Sorry!

Back in town got the last overnight bus back to Santiago. And here I am... just come back from the LAN agency... where a pretty nice lady has managed to arrange my itinery and I am off to Easter Island tomorrow morning!!!! Yuuuuhuuuu!!!! Xmas is coming early for me this year... or should I say late, coz' is Spring here! Anyway... the thing is that I am off to see more (in)famous stones ;o) Can't wait!

Well... that is all for now folks... take care, keep smiling and see you soon!

Un beso fuerte para todos desde Santiago... el de Chile. Cuidenseme muchíiiiiiiiiiisimo, ok¿?

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

jueves, noviembre 30, 2006

Northen Patagonia (again¿?) - Argentina & Chile

Hello Gals and Guys! How are triks¿?

Well... last time I gave any news I was in the Atlantic Ocean... and guess what... I am now back in the Pacific Ocean... I think I was missing something about it!!

We made it to Puerto Madryn and, as proper tourist, we did the trip to see the whales... and I don't know what those animals have, but they are amazing!!! I never get bored of watching at them... and next time I'd better make sure that I can swim with them... coz' they are magical. Península Valdés it an amazing place. There are sea lions (the ones with ears) and sea elephant (the ones with the funny nose) in all the beaches... shame you cannot get close to them. Pinguins
(aren't they cute) sleeping everywhere. But the stars are the whales... we saw three couples, mum and just born,... beautiful. And they show as the tail to say goodbye.

We had a great sunny day... so after the show... we checked the water and went for quick swim in underpants... a classic!

The day after Osku and I split. He went back to Capital to meet the 'paddies', and I went back to the lake distric. I was hoping to meet them all in Bariloche, but they finally diceded to go up North, so no reunion :'(. In the lake distric, this time I went to the south part: Epuyen, El Hoyo and El Bolsón... spent three days getting lost (literally) in forrest, checking out new lakes, and making sure I did not forget how water falls look like! I had great time, and the weather was awesome this time. I even finally got something like a tan (not like Thailand good old days, though :oP=). From there I head to Villa La Angostura, to see the Arrayanes National Park and meet Greg, Pam, Dean and Margaret. Spent the whole day with them. Great company, and great conversations. The four of them transmit great vibes, and made me feel important... Aren't they nice¿? Great people, and I am looking forward to meeting them again.

For the night, Ignacio, was so nice and let me crash in his beautiful house and gave me dinner. Not happy with that, he shared experience and advices that he doesn't even know how important they've been to me.

From La Angostura I crossed the border into Chile... getting all the way down to Chiloé, and to find out it was as nice as I had been told so many times. This place really feels remote, and I like that. I over slept this morning and Ali, Patri, Carmen and Sonia followed the last days tendency and gave me a lift to the National Park today... which was really sweet. Otherwise I would have not been able to see it.

Tomorrow, after visiting Dalcahue and Achao, I am slowly heading North again. On my way to Santiago, and Easter Island as an interesting option in mind. Maybe in a week. Will see what destiny has in mind for me ;o)

I am off to bed now. I wish you all the best for the day, week, month... etc!! Talk to you soon!

Un beso muy fuerte a todas/os. Todo sigue bien, y con muchas ganas de veros a todas/os pronto! Cuidenseme mucho, ok¿?

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

lunes, noviembre 20, 2006

On the road again... heading South!

Hi Everybody!

After stopping in shocking San Ignacio de Mini, the family met in BsAs... just as we used to do in Madrid... as normal... as usual... weird.

We walked Boca, Palermo, San Telmo... classics... before saying sad goodbyes to Chiqui and Gemma on Saturday. Shame. Sunday was a bit of anti-Turist attitude and we found our selves in a Gaucho Market in Mataderos. Awesome... and beautiful horses... you have to check Osku's to see the pics, as I have none.

At night we decided to leave Raul and Sergio on their own, so they can catch up, and I can go back to sleeping in a normal bed... instead of the floor. Osku and I took a night bus down to Viedma, the quietest town so far, but curiosly enough it is the sister town of Astorga. Yes, Astorga, a town just 60Km away from León. Yeap, Leon... the town I was born! The friendly people from here is called 'Maragatos', like the ones back home... ain't that strange.

Well... appart from that, there is not much to see around here, so we are off to Puerto Madryn to see some Sea Lions and Wales (hopefuly)... and we'll take it from there. If we are lucky we will go diving as well... in a bit of cold waters.

Hope you guys are all looking after yourselves, and that you are starting to think what you can get me for Xmas... don't worry too much... just something simple... you know, I am not a material guy!

Un beso pa to's y pa to'as! Todo va bien... noticia de última hora es que definitivamente estaré por la península hacia el 23... no sé hasta cuando, though... pero la boda de Willy el 29 será el evento estrella. Trataré de tener un look más convencional... lo prometo ;o)

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa XxX

jueves, noviembre 16, 2006

From South to North - From El Chaltén to Iguazú!

Night night from Iguazu!

Just a quick one to let you, gals and guys, know that I'm doing fine... and that the extremes landscapes of the extremes of this country, Argentina (for those who are a bit lost at this stage), are taking my breath away!

I am glad we got away of the standard visit to El Calafate and after a quick visit to the amazing Perito Moreno Glacier we headed to El Chalten.

Well... if I try to define how beautiful this place is I won't find the words, and the pics won't be online till Chiqui makes his way back to the old Continent. So all I can say is that the place is just incredible! Chiqui and I went on a long trek that got as into the Torres Glacier. We got to walk over the ice for more than 3 hours... and we even got to do ice climbing. All that with my super gear, i.e. the same shity white trainers full of holes that I wore when I flew off to HK on 12th Jan 2006... hehe

Never done it before... and hope is not the last, coz' the experience was great!!!

After that we flew to Iguazu with a quick stopover in BsAs of less than 16 hours... I feel like I am back in the "rushing mode" that I had in January!!!

Well... how to explain Iguazu. The place is beautiful. A unique place! It is just that it feels like a Theme Park for grown ups. People rushing everywhere. People pushing and fighting to get the picture that is in every single brochure... well, you know... one of those awesome places that make you feel: Another tick in the box! and there are thousands of people to make sure you don't forget it. They even catch our moment in their cameras... coz' it is imposible not to be in other peoples pictures. We did smile for them though :oP.

Today instead of doing the Brazilian (upsss!) side we decided to skip it and head to the jungle in an eco-tour. That was really fun... a bit of local culture and history, lots of bird watching and, of course, swimming and swimming in the river... Cant get better!

Tomorrow we are off to Misiones to see some stones (ruins), so Chiqui can complete the basic tour of a country: Big City, Nature and History. And then to BsAs for a family reunion before BigBro and Gemma fly back to Spain.

Following plans¿? ¿? ¿? As always... no plans!

Kisses for all the ladies... hugs for all the guys! Good night and sweet dreams (I honestly wish you they all come true)!

Ya saben... lo de siempre... cuidenseme mucho y sean muy felices! Ah... y no se olviden de soñar!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

sábado, noviembre 04, 2006

Qué Noche... Bariloche!, un poco de costa... parada y fonda en BsAs... y a por los Glaciares!

Hello everybody from Southern Argentina!

I know, I know... yeap... and you are right... I am rubbish to keep this thing up to date... but well... you know... I have a few excuses that it would not be polite to post them in here... I hope you understand :oD

Well... so this trip keeps on being crazy... nothing sticks to plan... specially coz' of me. I left you when I was already in Northern Patagonia where we spent almost a week of cold (freezing!!!) weather. We visited between Bariloche and San Martin as many beautiful lakes and mountains as we could, always thinking what we should do if the sun were shining. And, of course, we stuff our selves with great meat and good wine at the Boliche de Alberto... Incredible food!!!

From there we went to the coast, to take it easy for a few days before Shayna had to go back to the States and catch some waves (aloha aloha :oP)... but the weather wasnt the best again... so we decided to chill, and try the night life. It is still low season around here, so do not think that it was something comparable to the West End, ok¿?

Back in Capital (Buenos Aires... for those who are a bit lost) I changed (and obviously got no benefit out of that change) travel partners... Had to sadly see Shayna at the airport leave towards the North Hemisphere, and got BigBro Chiqui in return. Sh*t! ;oD

After driven me crazy for almost 24 hours, I took control of the situation and when he was still a bit sleepy got him in a flight (kinda of Mr T... or M.A. if you've ever watch the 'A' Team in Spanish) to El Calafate - Base camp for visiting the Perito Moreno Glacier.

The village is rubbish, as you can guess... but we went sailing the whole day in the lake Argentina to see 5 or 6 different Glaciers... and this is a Hell of a Good Place to come! Amazing, Awesome... and cold... but beautiful...

And you can even Swim!!!!! Isn't it great!... well... as you can guess that is not a swimming hat... and going beyond the knees requires a strong will and small brain. I only comply with the second requirement, so the picture shows how far I went ;o)

Tonight we will have a superb meeting with Raul, Gemma and Osku... with no previous plannings. As if it was normal to meet up in one of the 7 most southern towns in South America. A classic, I would say!

Lots of love from the cold Spring towards all of you. Hope you are enjoying the colourful Autumn, wherever you are!!!

Un beso muy fuerte a todos desde esta parte del mundo. Los que habeis pasado ultimamente por acá ya sabéis lo maravillosa que es, verdad Natacha y Eva¿? Nosotros vamos a seguir disfrutándola con los ojillos bien abiertos... pero por lo pronto esta noche toca reencuentro, i.e. Bifé de Chorizo y vino... qué peligro!!! Cuidenseme mucho y sean felices, ok¿?

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

viernes, octubre 27, 2006

Dieguitos y Mafaldas!

Hola a todos!!!

Bueno, despues de un par de posts, distanciados y retrasados, llega el momento de escribir algo un poquito actualizado... verdad¿?... bueno... hace mas de una semana que dejé la samba y Brasil... y lo cambié por Tango, Bifé de Chorizo y los aires Argentinos que tan bien me sientan!

Especialmente con la llegada a BsAs... una ciudad increible... mi primera sensación (inevitable hacer comparaciones) fue como estar en Madrid, pero rodeado de gente que habla taaaaaan lindo!!! Además de encontrarme con Sergio, Esther, Agos, Shayna, Osku... era literalmente como estar en casa... y al mismo tiempo dentro de una tira cómica de Mafalda o una de las canciones del crapulilla Sabina (acá les encanta!). Pasear por sus calles, volver al mundo de las cafeterías, museos, bares... sin duda alguna una ciudad especial!

Por acá es superfacil desplazarse... se trata solo de tiempo y un poco de plata... por lo demás las infraestructuras están montadas. Una maravilla... y en los autobuses te dan de comer hasta que te hartes!! Estos Argentinos son unos artistas :oD

Ahorita estoy por Bariloche, despues de una visitilla a Mendoza a retomar el placer del vino y a alucinar con la vista del Aconcagua (la montaña más alta fuera del Himalaya) y todas las montañas que lo rodean... un paisaje inolvidable!

Ahora estoy por Bariloche, rodeado de lagos de ensueño, montañas nevadas y paisajes bien verdes (en contraste con la aridez de Mendoza). Ayer nos agarramos una bici y nos recorrimos una pequeña parte de las orillas del lago Nahuel Huapi y subimos al cerro campanario para ver toda la region de los lagos desde el alto. Una maravilla!! Tuvimos suerte con el dia, y nos acompañó el sol durante todo el tiempo... hoy las cosas han cambiado... y estamos descubriendo porque esta zona ya forma parte de la Patagonia!

Quizá mañana los vientos nos lleven hacia San Martin de los Andes... para seguir descubriendo las maravillas de esta región!

Un besito muy muy fuerte a todas/os... y perdón por la falta de noticias! Espero que esteis todos cuidandoos en esta llegada del Otoño ;o)

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

martes, octubre 24, 2006

Obrigado... Obrigado Voçé!

Oi everybody!!!! Tudo Bem? Tudo Bem!

Just arrived in Aregentina after a couple of weeks downing Caipirinhas in southern Brazil with Osku (3rd time we meet so far in 3 diff countries) and Chau (surprise surprise).

I got to Brazil on 4th Nov, and found out that Dri had to leave Sao Paulo, so I decided not to stop there and head directly to the beautiful little town of Parati for a couple of days, a stopover in my way to Rio. Parati is surrounded by lots of beaches that are well known in all the guides, but ther is one they forgot to mention: Praia do Sono... amazing hidden beach that you find out after walking for almost 1 hour through a tropical forrest. You have to take my word for it, coz' the stupid memory card went wrong again and so far I haven't been able to repair it... sh*t!

From there I had to make my way to my date. Organizer: Osku. Invitees: Chau, Osku and Javitron. Time: 13.30 (Brazilian time). Meeting point: IPANEMA BEACH, Río de Janeiro!! Cool, isn't it¿?

Arriving into this "cidade maravilhosa" (I copied this from Osku) is like being in one of those video brochures of travel agencies. You feel that you've been here before. Still, the setting of this city is spectacular and leaves yo out of breath when you watch it from the top of the Sugar Loaf.

The weather wasn't too good though, so we decided to visit Petropolis (did you know Brazil had an Emperor¿? I didn't have a clue until I got there ;oD). Then... as the weather wasn't getting better we went for a bit of beach time in Buzios. We went diving there... well... I should say we tried to go diving. We had a 'bit' of rough sea, i.e.... merky waters and sea sickness. I think Chau still has nightmares over this day.

Chau lef us for the Iguazu falls (fair enough!) on the morning of the 13th, but Rio decided to be kind and gave us the chance of seeing Corcovado just before heading to the Airport.

We were sad to see her go, and the only thing that could make us feel better was to put another tick in the box: "swimming in Ipanema". Not the best beach in the world... true... but who cares... It was IPANEMA!!!

Osky and I, on our own now, backpackers again (Chau treat us to some comodities we had already forgotten... i.e. not eating at Bob's ;oD) made a bold move and got an 18 hours bus to Florianapolis... pffffff... it was raining when we got there, so we decided to carry on to Puerto Alegre!!!! Another 8 hours! That was a killer, trust me. Specially when you feel you are arriving into 'Dark City'.

Amazing nightlife though ;o)!

We went for a quick dinner and we end up staying till 4am. Happy Music. Beautiful girls. Good beer. And a good friend! The best night out so far since the trip started.

PA on a Sunday is not a place to stay, so we went to Canela, a little town that looks like Switzerland, with people that look like Swiss, with Swiss landscape, and swiss prices... just that everybody speaks Portuguese. Weird!

Now I am in a bus (I am witting this here coz' I never find time to update the blog... and I forget things) on my way to BsAs. Osku has probably already arrived in Montevideo. i have been here 17hours... and I have at least another 3 to go. The road is straight. No corners. It has been like this for the last 2 hours. They don't play films. AirCon is at its maximum and sleeping is not an option... just the way I like travelling... Great!

3 hours more and I will meet Sergio and Esther. More from there... or from Bariloche... if I get time to update thisª

Muitos Besijnos a todas y abrazinhos a todos... cuidense mucho. Empieza la aventura Porteña!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa XX

lunes, octubre 09, 2006

Stones & Pichus

After a couple of days of seeing Inca ruins and listening to peculiar and contradictory stories from funny guides I finally found myself in the Orient Express train to Aguas Calientes. "Basecamp" of Machu Pichu.

I woke up early with only one objetive: If there's a chance of geting to MP before sunrise I want to take it. I started a race up the inca stairs, breaking the world record with my 58 min mark.

During my way up I met people that had the same idea as me... but were brave enough to wake up earlier. However, they were not as strong, handsome, used to high altitude and stupidly stubborn as me. My legs were aking for 3 days!!!

So I made it to the first Pichu, Machu, just after 6am. Better than the sunrise (it was partially cloudy) was the chance of seeing MP with hardly any tourist.

Machu Pichu is an amazing place. Not only for what it is but for where it is. The mountains, the valleys, the jungle... and the river, make the Pichus a magical place.

At 7am I made my way to the second Pichu, Wayna, meeting point for early visitors and crazy hikers. Met Daniel (who disappered 15min after offering me to stay at his in Sao Paulo... funny Brazilians!), Sebastian and Shayna (we had exchange photographs at the endless stairway to the Inca Heaven an hour before).

From there we (Shayna, Sebastian and me... Daniel had gone!!!) started the super trek through the jungle following an Inca path to the Temple of the Moon and the Great Cavern. More stones placed in a tidy way following the stars and sorrounded by beautiful views. Only 5% of the tourist make their way here... you can guess how quiet it was at 9am. Perfect to enjoy the quietness... and a lunch break!

Sebastian quit the group before going up the third Pichu (don't remember the name... it started with a 'H'). A good place to test my "vertigo" for the nth time and two get a great view of the first two Pichus... and to start making up stories as if we were tourist guides!!

At Peak tourist hour we went for another luch, leaving the breath taking (specially if you are scared of hights) Inca Bridge and the beautiful and tranquil sunset fr the end of the day. The location chosen: the place were all the MP brochure pictures are taken ;o)

We said goodbye to the "spiritual" city of Machu Pichu and started decending the stairs again while it was getting dark.

At the end of the stairway, the half moon and the cold waters of the Urubamba river compleed a perfect day. Nothing like a night swim after a whole day walking to calm our tired feet.

- This all happened a week ago... but it is what I wrote then... and therefore you should read it as such... some of the pics got lost... but hopefully you will be able to see some of them up in the site soon.

Hope you are doing well... I will tell you how it is going in Brazil soon... off to Buzios tomorrow... see if we can get wet and see some fishes!!!

Muchos besos a todos desde el Atlántico!!!!!

Ciao Ciao,

Heiwa XX

sábado, septiembre 30, 2006

Goodbyes, Animals and Incas... all in a week!!!

What's up!!!??? Hello from the city of Cuzco (or Cusco... depends where you check it)... 3400 metres over the sea level... I can hardly move without struggling.

I left Loja just a week ago, and I have managed to go into my hectic travelling again. This time is a bit more difficult though... coz' I miss the boys/girls big time. I am always thinking where and how they are. It is incredible how close I feel to them, even thogh we spent only a couple of months together. I think I will come back as soon as I can... dunno if they need me... but I am sure I need them ;o)

After I left Loja, I spent the weekend in the border town of Macara with Pau... there is nothing going on over there appart from big cars sponsored by drugs traffic across the border. We thought it was "Fiestas" but when we got there it was basically dead.

From there I head finally (and sadly) on my own to the dreadful city of Lima, stopping over in Piura and crazy Paita (the town were Manuelita Saenz died... you should read "El General en su Laberinto" if you don´t know who she is yet!). It was a big surprise and very nice to meet Manolín there after two or three years we hadn't seen each other. I visit the Parque del Amor (Park of Love) and Barranquillo area... and got to appreciate a bit more this city... but not too much :oP

That was only a stop over in my way to Iquitos, i.e. the Peruvian Jungle (La Selva!!!). Oscar gave me the contact of a superlodge in the Yanayacu River. And one should always follow a friends advice... and I had the time of my life in the jungle. Played with monkeys, parrots, one tapir... saw lots of different birds, fished piranhas and swam in the same river where we fished them... cool!!! Ah... and we were really close to the Amazon Pink Dolphins (Known as the people of the water). But that is just a little part of it... night trips in canoe... morning trips in canoe... walks in the jungle... a very interesting chat about Chamans and Ayaguasca (next visit... ;oD). Three days is not enough... but it was all I could... If you ever plan a trip to the jungle contact Clever Sinarahua Tulumba or Timo, our superguide. You will not regret it!!!

Now I am in Cuzco (or Cusco :oP)... and have spent the day checking the sights around town. This is really tourist... but as mum said... you cannot come to Peru and not visit Cuzco (Cusco)... and she is damm right! As always! So tomorrow morning I am off to visit the Sacred Valley, and the day after Machu Pichu. I leave the Inka Trail for when I am old... and rich ;o).

After that... big bus trip back to sh*ty Lima... and flying off to Sao Paulo... Looking forward for Dri's Samba lessons ;o)... and spring time!!!

You all take care, ok¿? And don't let the Autumm put you down!!! You're stronger than him!

Un abrazo muy fuerte a todos!!!! David, no pude ir a Chile... los niños/as son la caña... imposible dejarlos para ir al pueblo de al lado... como para irme dos paises más allá ;o) Si algún dia los conoces lo comprenderas... y tú también te quedaras!!! jejeje!

Cuidenseme mucho mucho... ok¿?

Ciao ciao!!!!

Heiwa X

viernes, septiembre 15, 2006

The end is near... tutututuuuuutu

Hola a toitos! How're tricks?

I know this blog haven't been updated at all in the last few weeks... but you won't believe how hectic leaving/working in Loja with the kids can be (well... Sergio, Esther and Co have a clue, don't you?)!

It is hard... but as you can guess it is also very interesting and most of the times the job here can be described as amazing! Osku got here when I was kinda tired and running out of batteries, and he was like an energy burst! We did a couple of trips... one to Vilcabamba, where people is supposed to leave until the age of 125 and have sex at least until the are 100 years old... can you believe it? Well.. Osku and I did our bit to get the most amount of energy out of the place and climbed up the "Mandango" (not "Mandingo"). It is a shame we lost most of it in our way down... scary cliffs... trust me!

We also went to meet the so long waited Hermanito Ángel... the heart of the children project were I am staying here in Ecuador. We took all the kids for the day out thanks to Nat&Ben's sponsorship. They had an smazing day with three highlights: Roast chicken for lunch (yummy yummy), swimming pool (no words for how much they loved it!) and plain spotting while waiting for Hermanito Ángel in one of the most scary airports I've ever seen... the landing approach is breath taking!

The day after we had a welcome "café" with the Hermanito, were we could catch up, and Osku and I had the first chance of seing him in action. Awesome... he manages the older and the younger in an amazing way... and he is 81!!! All of them respect him, and he doesn't even rise his voice!!! So much to learn... and he has been like a lesson every single day since he got back. He is a really cool guy!

After that Osku and I decided that it was time to spend a couple of days by the sea. We stopped in hippy Montañita and ugly Manta... the weather wasn't too good, but when we were considering heading North to Canoa it turned even worse... so we decided to quit. Went back to Guayaquil to sort out some paper work... and come back to Loja... where all the teenagers were already waiting for us ;o)

Osku was planning to go... even before we went to the coast. But they guys here loved him so much he end up staying until the kids went back to school (and he would have stayed longer)... that was on Monday. It was my first day of school in more than 10 years... woke up early... quick breakfast... shower... check the lists... well... you know... all that shit... and funny to see all the teenagers in their uniforms (specilly when I have seen them cover in paint during the past 6 weeks... hehe). They all looked very sweet! and nervous... they got to school more than 45 mins in advance. I bet it will be the only day they are going to be on time! ;o)

Now life has gone into more rutine. I help out Ximena with the youngest kids, i.e. 3years old, in the mornings... and spend the afternoons and evenings doing homeworks of all kinds! But mainly English and Computing... I bet none of them is learning anything! :oP

But over all the new issue is that I am planning to head out myself... two months here was my commitment from the start... and I am going to follow it. I think I have given a bit (and taken a lot as it happens when working with young fellows), easy their contact with the former volunteers, and monitored the improvements in Hilda's left hand (she can grab things now... she is awesome!) :oD. My rucksack is calling me againg... and I will hit the road next week... with no clear plans yet... but I will let you know as soon as I know them... or after I have finished them ;o)

It is 1am here now... and the right time to go to bed (well the right time was a couple of hours ago... but this is my only time free... those of you who are daddys/mummys know what I am talking about!).

Hope you are all doing fine and happy back home after your holidays... I am close to (re-)start mine!!! hehe! Hugs and Kisses to all of you whereever you are!

Cuidenseme mucho! Que sepan que en estos dos meses he pensado mucho en vosotros y como atacarían cada una de las situaciones que me he encontrado. Sin que lo sepan muy bien... me han sido de una grandisima ayuda! Muchíiiisimas gracias!

Un beso muy fuerte para todas/os!!!!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa XX

lunes, agosto 28, 2006

Loja... and guess who is coming for dinner tomorrow¿?

Hello everybody!!!!

Well, well... after 4 months we said good bye to each other in Ko Lanta... Osku is arriving in Loja tomorrow night. Time for catch up... "culebrear"... and a beer... I think I've had one in the last 3 months... so it should be refreshing!!!

Well... You remember the religious walk we had to do¿?... well... we did it... but I didn't really get the reason why, coz' we didn't get to see the "Virgen del Cisne" - Swam Virgin (I met her last night in the Cathedral, at last... no easy jokes... please). But we did the 30 Km in around 6 or 7 hours... which is quite good!

Appart from we have celebrated 3 birthdays in one day (Diego, Pato and Jordan)... and this time I 'acolité' Mercy with the cakes... and we even cooked my mums version of cheesecake that delicious. Did you know that here they hit the guys with a belt as many times as the number of years since they were born¿? I couldn't believe it... otherwise it is hard luck for the rest of the year!

Mercy and I are a bit of the 'cocinillas' here and we are always planning what to do. We even cooked 'croquetas' one day and they were pretty good!!! Classic spanish cuisine.

What else, what else... we have gone back to the river, and we have broken the rules again and got completely soaked... I think they are not going to let me take the kids there again, coz' it is a big mess to sort them out afterwards. BTW... they always appreciate English teachers over here (bed and food could be sorted... but resources are very low to consider a salary... unless hugs and kisses is what you want... then there is plenty!!!!! I tell you!!!!), so if any of you is interested... just contact ALIN in Spain or even me.

Ah... and of course we have gone to Jipiro... a park with games that kids love... here is an example of what is a game... a VSAT antenna... why not¿? Health and Safety¿?... BT's got lots to learn ;oD

Well... just a couple of curiosities before I go to serve lunch to more than 50 kids:

1.- Rafita has been working hard on its own cultural site and left a link to this one... which is very much appreciated!!!! good luck with it!!

2.- Chiqui has also found a blog called 42, La respuesta, that is got a link to my blog (people is certainly bored ;oD)... and people's been wondering if I am nuts or not... with no final result at the end. The best thing is that I have no clue of who those guys are... As it happens with tonnet (another one kind enough to place a comment... but that I cannot contact back :oD)

So... keep on smiling... and having fun!!!! I will be doing my share of it over here!!!

Besos y Abrazos fuertes para todas/os... me largo a hacer que curro!

Cioa ciao,


miércoles, agosto 16, 2006

I've got a couple of seconds!!!

Uaaauuuuhh!!! It's been nearly a month since I arrived in Loja... and I have had no time to write, read or breath... this is the most hectic time I've had since I left BT... ehhhh... well... I mean... since I joined BT ;oD

So... Hello Everybody!!! How's the summer going¿? Mine is like winter again... Loja is around 2600m over the sea level... so, even though it's August and we are around latitude 0º... it is sunny, it rains, it is warm and it is cold all in the same day... several times each kind of weather... and then is cold during the night. A lot of fun!!! ;oD

Lots of things have happened during this month... The first one was Natacha & Ben's visit! They arrived in Quito on 1st August... and I sure made my way there to introduce them to our Ecuadorian family... they were great 4 days going through lots of good memories, stories, and catching up after 4 years... and I had a good session of 'escondidas' (Ecuadorian version of Hyde and Seek) with Vero, Ricardito, Pedrito and familia. Great food, great "tropical jugos" and a shock when I discovered how much I have been missing all this time for not tasting Chirimoyas before... Nightmare!!!

The second event was my birthday. Thank You very much to everybody that remembered it!!!!! You are great!!! It was great to get so many messages that day, and I do apologize for those I haven't been able to answer before but interné does not work so well around here (trust me... I am not sure I am going to be able to finish this post!!!!). I was back in Loja for that day... and the celebration started a couple of days before thanks to Laxia and Joana, that decided to make me part of their leaving do and surprised me with a cake and presents... and then it came 8th August... and I had a couple of celebrations... I tried Quimbolitos, The kids (under Mercy's supervision) cooked a superb chocolate birthday cake (the one in the pic!!) and we had a good laugh... and then me and the boys slept outside in the terrace... with a little bit of cold, rain and stars... so... even though I was on the other side of the Atlantic I had a great party, and I felt at home at the same time!!! Ain't it cool!!! And here are some of the postcards I got this year... I hope they are still working :o)

Then it was Nat&Ben's visit to Loja... and their chance to meet the children I spent all my time here with... we took them to the (frozen) river for a swim one day... and then the other one we went for a bit of family history in Catacocha, where Hno Santos showed us around (he took us to a different and much better Chiriculapo - Gods' Chair) and treated us as Kings.

Now things are slowing down here... the kids will be back in school soon, and they know it... so they have a bit of the feeling "shit, the summer's over", but still very good fun. We have some religous walk on Sunday (not my cup of tea... but when in Rome...) and I am trying to organize a couple of weekends at the Podocarpus National Park, which should be pretty good!

Well... the guys are waiting for me to celebrate "San Viernes" up in the roof... with another night under the stars... we have been waiting the whole week for it... as Antonieta banned it coz' we're tired the morning after... sometimes I am not sure if I am the responsible one... or the worst one in the house ;oD

Well... make sure you all take care of yourselves, ok¿? Lots of kisses for the ladies... and some hugs for the boys!!!

El veranito bien, verdad¿? Pues no podía ser de otra manera... espero que lo estéis pasando en grande! Por acá todo sigue iendo bien... aunque interné me pone un poquillo dificil el estar en contacto con todos vosotros... y del Tunguragua no os preocupéis, que estoy bastante lejos... por desgracia!!!

Un beso muy fuerte a todos!!!!!

Ciao ciao

Heiwa XXX

viernes, agosto 04, 2006

Ecuadorian Contact!

Hi Everybody from the most beautiful city in SouthAmerica!!! Quito! At least from my point of view...

It has got even better since the last time I was here... and it is really nice!

Well... I am busy with my Ecuadorian family ;oD and I have only a few minutes to give you my new mobile number, while I am here:


Feel free to use your company phones to contact me... no... I am kidding... use the phone in your collegue office desk... so nobody can track you ;o)

Make sure you are all fine, ok¿?

Muchos besos y cuidense mucho!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

PS: Les recuerdo que mi cumple es el 8 de Agosto... para aquellos que se quieran apuntar a una fiestecilla!!! ;oD

lunes, julio 31, 2006

Comfort Zone¿? I am miles away from it!!!

Hi Everybody!!!

Things have changed completely!!! From my constant chaos and lack of rutine... to waking up everyday before 7am, cook breakfast, be on time for when the kids finish theirs... and play, teach, tell off, heal, wash hands-faces-noses, hike with the older ones, go out to play arcade games, etc etc...

And I have never had such a huge responsability and I have never gone to bed sooooooooooo tired and sooooooooo early! But I tell you what... this is FAB! First thing I get in the morning when I start it is not a cup of coffee or tea... nope... it is around 30 to 40 hugs, kisses, good mornings and things like that... and when I go... well that is bad, coz' I get 30 to 40 sad faces asking me to stay and to go back the day after... uaaaaauuuuhhhh: so intense!

I arrived in Ecuador around ten days ago with all the great moments in Venezuela still running through my blood. But I was full of energy and already looking forward to starting the volunteering with the kids in Loja :oD.

I spend the mornings with kids from the age of 3 (Mayra, she's the cutest thing I have ever seen!) to the age of 13 (teaching Maths and English to them is a real challenge... and not the Sat Comms projects I used to do before!).

In the evenings I am with the older ones in the house. This is more like being part of a family, and check that they do their duties and stuff. Until now there are only 3boys and 2girls, but the rest arrive tomorrow: another 7 in total... NIGHTMARE!!! ;oD I am kidding... they are all great and very good fun to be with!

In the weekends we try to get away and do some hiking. Last Sunday we went with Monica and Fam to the Podocarpus National Park (Zamora) where we got absolutely soaked... but we tried fruits from the trees, we saw orchids birds, La Poderosa waterfall... Awesome!!

Today Pato, Diego, María, Luisa y yo decided to go to the mountains near by... and we climb up, slided over the mud, eat wild strawberries and blackberries, climb down waterfalls, walk through bushes with stings, got burnt, got wet... GREAT! And that was all only 30min walk away from the house... Can we ask for more ¿!?

Tomorrow I am off to Quito (only 12hours in the night bus) to welcome Nat&Ben on their first time in SAmerca. I will make sure they fall in love with this little part of the world! I will be crashing at Conchita's... which sounds great to me!

Before going to bed, just let you know that superChiqui has started to upload the pics to a new server. Some of them are already there, so if you are bored in the office and want to have a look at them, feel free to go through them.

Well... I am off to bed now... blogger has hung my post a couple of times now, and if this doesn't go through this time... there will be no post! Make sure you are all happy with the heat wave that is bathing Europe! I do think of you from this beautiful spot in the middle of the Andes full of surprises and very very special to me!

Un besazo muy fuerte para todas/os. Cada vez os voy echando más y a más de menos, así que cuídense muchíiiiisimo entre tanta barbacoa rica y tintito de verano! XoD

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

PS."Chiqui: Ecuador. Recuerdos¿? Recuerdas¿?". Muchos! Mucho! Como no podía ser de otra forma... bonito es a la vez, ver cómo estos días generan muchos más. Un beso BigBro!

jueves, julio 20, 2006

... y los sueños, ¿sueños son??!?!??!?!!

Sin casi darme cuenta estoy otra vez en la Plaza San Martín de Lima. El mismo cielo gris, la misma sensación de salir de esta ciudad en poco tiempo.
Todo refuerza la sensación de que Venezuela ha sido un sueño. Que Helios y Adriana sólo existen en mi imaginación. Que las tortugas son monstruos marinos de un comic de Calvin & Hobbes y Querepare la inspiración inmaterial de un libro de Gabriel García Márquez.
Mientras Verónica me dice que yo inspiro a soñar, yo no hago más que pensar que en estas últimas cinco semanas cada persona que he conocido me ha mantenido alejado de la realidad y anclado a un mundo de fantasía en el que cada día, cada minuto, cada segundo es un sueño.
Si no fuese por la presencia de Bea en este sueño quizá no podría hablar de Él con nadie (de hecho fue juntos como esta 'vaina' nos fue 'agarrando').
Si no fuese por Emigdio, que unió el pasado menos reciente, el pasado más reciente, incluso el futuro cercano, con este presente (que siento como 'regalo') jamás podría ubicar estos días en el tiempo, con la esperanza y la necesidad de que se repitan.
Si no fuese por Aurelio, no habría disfrutado desde el primer día de la maravillosa hospitalidad que me ha seguido rodeando hasta el último instante.
Entre 'vainas' y 'cacharras', 'carros' locos y 'coches', 'franelas' y 'camisetas', 'comiquitas' y 'dibujos animados', 'bergas' y 'trankas' fui olvidando el lenguaje. Pasé de no entender nada al Chino, a Merengue y a Amarillo (Luis Alfredo) a no ser capaz de encontrar una palabra para describir el sentimiento de agradecimiento. 'Gracias' se vació de significado tras repetirla 'n' veces, cuando 'n' tiende a infinito.
Los últimos días de Caracas se me han escapado entre las manos mientras Teresa me contaba historias de los dos lados del Atlántico y me hacía ganar un poco de peso con sus sorpresas culinarias (quedan pendientes unos pimientos rellenos). Y tan a gusto se me fue el tiempo que ni siquiera conseguí despedirme de Soe, de Aurelio o de Mª Teresa. Por lo menos a Hedelvi pude, en persona, darle las gracias por la franela que me convierte en parte de los tortugueros (ahora, gracias al colgante de Vero, soy todavía más tortuguero).
Y en estas cinco semanas... en el camino, de un sitio a otro, parecían esperar gentes como Meyvi y Vicente. Fulful y sus arepas para salvarnos de la inhalición a Simone, a Igor, a Simon y a mí. Carlos con su sonrisa siempre a punto. Melecio, el ron y el vendedor de perros. Esquiza (perdón si me equivoqué al escribirlo) y sus cetáceos fantásticos. Y muchos más que no por no mencionar son menos importantes.
Y si me pusiese a escribirlo todo necesitaría otras cinco semanas, porque no quitaría nada. Pero, quizá, así sea la única forma de convertir este sueño en realidad.
Mientras Verónica me dice que inspiro a soñar yo ingenua y vanidosamente me lo creo. Vanidoso, porque es una de las cosas más lindas que me dijeron nunca. Supongo que eso me convierte en una espcie de anti-avatar capaz de desmaterializar la realidad... pero al mismo tiempo los sueños nos convierten en avatares potenciales, con la habilidad de 'materializar' nuestros deseos.
Compartir un sueño propio es un placer, del que disfruto cada día. Formar parte del sueño de otra persona ha sido totalmente mágico. Ser parte de las condiciones que los crean es un concepto 'arrechisimo' en el que uno no puede, por menos, estar agradecido de semejante honor.
Ahora en Lima... mientras me desperezo... voy ya pensando en cerrar poquito a poco los ojos a medida que me vaya acercando a Loja.
Más de 6 meses de viaje... y superchévere! Un beso muy fuerte!
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
PS. Es un estracto de mi diario... quiza no tenga sentido en conjunto para todo el conjunto... pero seguro que quien quiera encontrar algo personal lo encontrará... de todas formas yo no sabría explicar de otra forma qué ha pasado en estas últimas 5 semanas ;oD