Comfort Zone¿? I am miles away from it!!!
Hi Everybody!!!
Things have changed completely!!! From my constant chaos and lack of rutine... to waking up everyday before 7am, cook breakfast, be on time for when the kids finish theirs... and play, teach, tell off, heal, wash hands-faces-noses, hike with the older ones, go out to play arcade games, etc etc...
And I have never had such a huge responsability and I have never gone to bed sooooooooooo tired and sooooooooo early! But I tell you what... this is FAB! First thing I get in the morning when I start it is not a cup of coffee or tea... nope... it is around 30 to 40 hugs, kisses, good mornings and things like that... and when I go... well that is bad, coz'
I get 30 to 40 sad faces asking me to stay and to go back the day after... uaaaaauuuuhhhh: so intense!
I arrived in Ecuador around ten days ago with all the great moments in Venezuela still running through my blood. But I was full of energy and already looking forward to starting the volunteering with the kids in Loja :oD.
I spend the mornings with kids from the age of 3 (Mayra, she's the cutest thing I have ever seen!) to the age of 13 (teaching Maths and English to them is a real challenge... and not the Sat Comms projects I used to do before!).
In the evenings I am with the older ones in the house. This is more like being part of a family, and check that they do their duties and stuff. Until now there are only 3boys and 2girls, but the rest arrive tomorrow: another 7 in total... NIGHTMARE!!! ;oD I am kidding... they are all great and very good fun to be with!
In the weekends we try to get away and do some hiking. Last Sunday we went with Monica and Fam to the Podocarpus National Park (Zamora) where we got absolutely soaked... but we tried fruits from the trees, we saw orchids birds, La Poderosa waterfall... Awesome!!
Today Pato, Diego, María, Luisa y yo decided to go to the mountains near by... and we climb up, slided over the mud, eat wild strawberries and blackberries, climb down waterfalls, walk through bushes with stings, got burnt, got wet... GREAT! And that was all only 30min walk away from the house... Can we ask for more ¿!?
Tomorrow I am off to Quito (only 12hours in the night bus) to welcome Nat&Ben on their first time in SAmerca. I will make sure they fall in love with this little part of the world! I will be crashing at Conchita's... which sounds great to me!
Before going to bed, just let you know that superChiqui has started to upload the pics to a new server. Some of them are already there, so if you are bored in the office and want to have a look at them, feel free to go through them.
Well... I am off to bed now... blogger has hung my post a couple of times now, and if this doesn't go through this time... there will be no post! Make sure you are all happy with the heat wave that is bathing Europe! I do think of you from this beautiful spot in the middle of the Andes full of surprises and very very special to me!
Un besazo muy fuerte para todas/os. Cada vez os voy echando más y a más de menos, así que cuídense muchíiiiisimo entre tanta barbacoa rica y tintito de verano! XoD
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
PS."Chiqui: Ecuador. Recuerdos¿? Recuerdas¿?". Muchos! Mucho! Como no podía ser de otra forma... bonito es a la vez, ver cómo estos días generan muchos más. Un beso BigBro!
Things have changed completely!!! From my constant chaos and lack of rutine... to waking up everyday before 7am, cook breakfast, be on time for when the kids finish theirs... and play, teach, tell off, heal, wash hands-faces-noses, hike with the older ones, go out to play arcade games, etc etc...
And I have never had such a huge responsability and I have never gone to bed sooooooooooo tired and sooooooooo early! But I tell you what... this is FAB! First thing I get in the morning when I start it is not a cup of coffee or tea... nope... it is around 30 to 40 hugs, kisses, good mornings and things like that... and when I go... well that is bad, coz'

I arrived in Ecuador around ten days ago with all the great moments in Venezuela still running through my blood. But I was full of energy and already looking forward to starting the volunteering with the kids in Loja :oD.

In the evenings I am with the older ones in the house. This is more like being part of a family, and check that they do their duties and stuff. Until now there are only 3boys and 2girls, but the rest arrive tomorrow: another 7 in total... NIGHTMARE!!! ;oD I am kidding... they are all great and very good fun to be with!
In the weekends we try to get away and do some hiking. Last Sunday we went with Monica and Fam to the Podocarpus National Park (Zamora) where we got absolutely soaked... but we tried fruits from the trees, we saw orchids birds, La Poderosa waterfall... Awesome!!
Today Pato, Diego, María, Luisa y yo decided to go to the mountains near by... and we climb up, slided over the mud, eat wild strawberries and blackberries, climb down waterfalls, walk through bushes with stings, got burnt, got wet... GREAT! And that was all only 30min walk away from the house... Can we ask for more ¿!?
Tomorrow I am off to Quito (only 12hours in the night bus) to welcome Nat&Ben on their first time in SAmerca. I will make sure they fall in love with this little part of the world! I will be crashing at Conchita's... which sounds great to me!
Before going to bed, just let you know that superChiqui has started to upload the pics to a new server. Some of them are already there, so if you are bored in the office and want to have a look at them, feel free to go through them.
Well... I am off to bed now... blogger has hung my post a couple of times now, and if this doesn't go through this time... there will be no post! Make sure you are all happy with the heat wave that is bathing Europe! I do think of you from this beautiful spot in the middle of the Andes full of surprises and very very special to me!
Un besazo muy fuerte para todas/os. Cada vez os voy echando más y a más de menos, así que cuídense muchíiiiisimo entre tanta barbacoa rica y tintito de verano! XoD
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
PS."Chiqui: Ecuador. Recuerdos¿? Recuerdas¿?". Muchos! Mucho! Como no podía ser de otra forma... bonito es a la vez, ver cómo estos días generan muchos más. Un beso BigBro!
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Recuerdo. Recuerdos. Por supuesto. Quisiera/debería estar ahí.
Hay piedras blancas en Quito, unas termas a 3000 metros en medio de montañas vacías, un paseo de 10 personas de la mano con sonido de cascadas de fondo y luciernagas iluminando el incierto camino, dos cervezas en Riobamba, un helado en Cuenca, un tren que baja y sube en el Alauí, un brebaje morado en Ingapirca, una barca en Cuicocha entre burbujas de azufre, un pico viejo y otro nuevo que peinamos a 4800 metros, una minipiscina muy divertida en Vilcabamba, una otavaleña que se esconde detrás de una sábana en el mercado...
Recuerdos para Pedro el grande, para el Colibrí del Pichincha, para Mamá Conchita y Papá Walter, para los niños,...
A ver hermanos , brotherssss, ahora os comunicais en plan poetico o que?
absolutamente e inconmensurablemente potito y hermoso a la par que gratificante...
un beso niñato y disfruta de esa indescriptible experiencia que os trae tan buenos recuerdos , que envidio desde la ciudad sin mar.
que maravilloso debe ser estar ahi con los ninyos. Ensenyales a sonyar. Un abrazo entrepreneur. Bafana Bafana !
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