Sydney and the Mountains... the Blue ones
Well you can guess it from the pictures I guess... The Opera House is probably one of the most representative buildings in the world... i.e. after so many constant changes from one place to another, from one country to another, from one city to another... I got to a point that I didn't realize where the hell I was. But, hey... you see the spinnaker of the Opera House here... and there is no doubt that you are in Sydney!
Somebody told me about the Blue Mountains (I didn't see anything blue over there... so don't ask me why they are called like

Today all the backpackers I was with left town in different directions, so I went to walk the weekend markets, get on a ferry to see the Bay (the pic shows how I always imagined the Sydney Bay... full of sailing boats with the SkyLand in the back), and see the (in)famous Bondi Beach with all the surfers...

Now some news... for those that managed to read until of this huge "post"... Just to let you know that SuperBea has decided to quit her boring job, and make one of her dreams come true: looking after Turtles in Venezuela (well... I never had good friends that I could define as "normal"... and that includes most of you)... so I am planning to go and welcome her in Caracas on 15th June, i.e. I might change my itinerary for this one:
- Santiago - Lima overland from 27th May till 14th June
- 3 weeks in Venezuela (or so)
- Fly back to Lima and go to Ecuador until the end of August
- Travel Peru and Bolivia for 3 weeks
- Fly to Santiago... and then off to Sau Paulo (Samba pa mi... y pa ti!)
- Go from South Brazil to Argentina... mientras el cuerpo aguante... or while money last (maybe time to find a job and settle down... for a few weeks!)
And the best thing of all this is that it might happen... but it will certainly change... as everything I planned half a year ago!
Well... I hope I haven't bored you toooooooo much! Make sure you keep on smiling everyday... Big Time, ok?!?
Un besazo gordo mis ninh@s !!!! Cuidaros mucho... Tengo muchas ganas de saber que estan todos ustedes en perfecto estado... asi que ya me estan mandando noticias frescas!!!
Ciao ciao!!
Heiwa XXX
NOTICIA SUPERFRESCA: España como siempre ha quedado entre los 5 ultimos en eurovision.
Por fin alguien me conecta con el mundo real!!!!
Gracias Kike :oP
Un abrazote superfuerte!!!
Heiwa X
Se ha olvidado de mencionar que los que ganaron eran Heavies! (al menos tanto como Europe o Bon Jovi). No sé como puedes vivir sin estas noticias y un trolley! Pffffffffffff.
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