Pictures update / Actualización fotos

[19/12/06] → The latest pictures from Argentina and Chile on the way to Isla de Pascua/Easter Island
[24/11/06] → Loads of pictures from Argentina
[24/11/06] → Even more pictures from Brazil and Peru

jueves, mayo 04, 2006


Hello Everybody!

I got to OzLand yesterday Morning... in fact I got to BrisVegas (Brisbane) and spent most of the day recovering from the nigth in the airport, the funny trip and the new status! This town is kind of different... there are high buildings, but it is really quite... I thought people were on holidays! and also they have a fake beach inside the town... when we are like an hour away from the gold coast... it doesn't make any sense to me... does it make sense to you?!

At night I met Michelle (Jane's school friend) and Fran... and they invite me to a home dinner!!! Awesome... people here are just great... I couldn't contact Michelle until very late in the afternoon, and I got a pick up at the Backpackers, a Malaysian meal, a great chat and a plan for my stay in the area... Ain't that great!! Superb people!!

So the plan they made for me is: Byron Bay... and chill out there for a few days... Cool. There is the Mardi Grass as well this weekend in the area, so I might get some good music appart from the sun and the surf (I think I am going to kill my budget completely in this country!!!). I don't think that is the London kind of Mardi Grass... for those interested in it... but sure there will be lots of beer: This is Australia!!!!

Well... I hope you are all ok and having fun... On my side... I have a bus to catch, and a beach to lie down at... coooooooooooooool!!!!

Muchos besos a todos. Espero que os esteis cuidando mucho, ok??? Mantenedme informado!!

Heiwa XX


Blogger GoNiS said...

Suma y sigue, bro! Cuidado con el Mardi Gras y las Australofoquis!

jue may 04, 10:58:00 a. m.  

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