What's up Buddies!?!!
What did I the last days in Cairns??? Basically F*** all... i.e. we spent one day at the fake beach, the lagoon, and the next day rained... so it was a day for "cafe" visit.

The day at the lagoon was really good, actually. I met some of the people from the diving boat, and Cedric brought the torches with him, so I got my first try at juggling... absolute dissaster after three hours of trying hard!!! The park around the fake beach is quite cool, coz' you have some places where you can cook your own stuff, and it is all for free... for a change :oD. It is not the classical BBQ where you have to bring coal or something to make fire... it is a kind of a flat hot grill... so we bought some food and cook ourselves a few burgers...well Andy, Cedric and Mike did most of the work... I just looked... too many cooks spoil the soup ;oD. Awesome!!!

When the sun was going down... the professional got out his professional torches out... and showed the crew what joggling is about :oD. On the pic you can see Cedric performing!!! He should have lit them with fire... and the show would have been perfect!!!
When yesterday morning was raining I decided to change my flight to Sydney and bring the dates one day forward... so this morning I took a plane, and I am now in Sydney... not sure what to do yet here, but I am meeting Lou and Hel (Tobi is back in Germany :o( ) for dinner tomorrow and I am sure they will give lots of tips... and we'll have a big party!!!
Hope you are all fine!!! Lots of kisses!!!
Muchos besos a todos... manhana me voy a ver el edificio de la opera!!! Y luego a ver si veo algun Koala en el Zoo... que no me puedo ir de aca sin verlos :oD
Heiwa X
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