Qué Noche... Bariloche!, un poco de costa... parada y fonda en BsAs... y a por los Glaciares!
Hello everybody from Southern Argentina!
I know, I know... yeap... and you are right... I am rubbish to keep this thing up to date... but well... you know... I have a few excuses that it would not be polite to post them in here... I hope you understand :oD
Well... so this trip keeps on being crazy... nothing sticks to plan... specially coz' of me. I left you when I was already in Northern Patagonia where we spent almost a week of cold (freezing!!!) weather. We visited between Bariloche and San Martin as many beautiful lakes and mountains as we could, always thinking what we should do if the sun were shining. And, of course, we stuff our selves with great meat and good wine at the Boliche de Alberto... Incredible food!!!
From there we went to the coast, to take it easy for a few days before Shayna had to go back to the States and catch some waves (aloha aloha :oP)... but the weather wasnt the best again... so we decided to chill, and try the night life. It is still low season around here, so do not think that it was something comparable to the West End, ok¿?
Back in Capital (Buenos Aires... for those who are a bit lost) I changed (and obviously got no benefit out of that change) travel partners... Had to sadly see Shayna at the airport leave towards the North Hemisphere, and got BigBro Chiqui in return. Sh*t! ;oD
After driven me crazy for almost 24 hours, I took control of the situation and when he was still a bit sleepy got him in a flight (kinda of Mr T... or M.A. if you've ever watch the 'A' Team in Spanish) to El Calafate - Base camp for visiting the Perito Moreno Glacier.

The village is rubbish, as you can guess... but we went sailing the whole day in the lake Argentina to see 5 or 6 different Glaciers... and this is a Hell of a Good Place to come! Amazing, Awesome... and cold... but beautiful...

And you can even Swim!!!!! Isn't it great!... well... as you can guess that is not a swimming hat... and going beyond the knees requires a strong will and small brain. I only comply with the second requirement, so the picture shows how far I went ;o)
Tonight we will have a superb meeting with Raul, Gemma and Osku... with no previous plannings. As if it was normal to meet up in one of the 7 most southern towns in South America. A classic, I would say!
Lots of love from the cold Spring towards all of you. Hope you are enjoying the colourful Autumn, wherever you are!!!
Un beso muy fuerte a todos desde esta parte del mundo. Los que habeis pasado ultimamente por acá ya sabéis lo maravillosa que es, verdad Natacha y Eva¿? Nosotros vamos a seguir disfrutándola con los ojillos bien abiertos... pero por lo pronto esta noche toca reencuentro, i.e. Bifé de Chorizo y vino... qué peligro!!! Cuidenseme mucho y sean felices, ok¿?
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
I know, I know... yeap... and you are right... I am rubbish to keep this thing up to date... but well... you know... I have a few excuses that it would not be polite to post them in here... I hope you understand :oD
Well... so this trip keeps on being crazy... nothing sticks to plan... specially coz' of me. I left you when I was already in Northern Patagonia where we spent almost a week of cold (freezing!!!) weather. We visited between Bariloche and San Martin as many beautiful lakes and mountains as we could, always thinking what we should do if the sun were shining. And, of course, we stuff our selves with great meat and good wine at the Boliche de Alberto... Incredible food!!!
From there we went to the coast, to take it easy for a few days before Shayna had to go back to the States and catch some waves (aloha aloha :oP)... but the weather wasnt the best again... so we decided to chill, and try the night life. It is still low season around here, so do not think that it was something comparable to the West End, ok¿?
Back in Capital (Buenos Aires... for those who are a bit lost) I changed (and obviously got no benefit out of that change) travel partners... Had to sadly see Shayna at the airport leave towards the North Hemisphere, and got BigBro Chiqui in return. Sh*t! ;oD
After driven me crazy for almost 24 hours, I took control of the situation and when he was still a bit sleepy got him in a flight (kinda of Mr T... or M.A. if you've ever watch the 'A' Team in Spanish) to El Calafate - Base camp for visiting the Perito Moreno Glacier.

The village is rubbish, as you can guess... but we went sailing the whole day in the lake Argentina to see 5 or 6 different Glaciers... and this is a Hell of a Good Place to come! Amazing, Awesome... and cold... but beautiful...

And you can even Swim!!!!! Isn't it great!... well... as you can guess that is not a swimming hat... and going beyond the knees requires a strong will and small brain. I only comply with the second requirement, so the picture shows how far I went ;o)
Tonight we will have a superb meeting with Raul, Gemma and Osku... with no previous plannings. As if it was normal to meet up in one of the 7 most southern towns in South America. A classic, I would say!
Lots of love from the cold Spring towards all of you. Hope you are enjoying the colourful Autumn, wherever you are!!!
Un beso muy fuerte a todos desde esta parte del mundo. Los que habeis pasado ultimamente por acá ya sabéis lo maravillosa que es, verdad Natacha y Eva¿? Nosotros vamos a seguir disfrutándola con los ojillos bien abiertos... pero por lo pronto esta noche toca reencuentro, i.e. Bifé de Chorizo y vino... qué peligro!!! Cuidenseme mucho y sean felices, ok¿?
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
Confirmo lo de los glaciares, lo del poco cerebro y lo de los locos cambios de planes. Incluso lo del cambio de pareja. Siete miembros de la familia han pasado por aquí en menos de un mes... Qué tendrá este sitio
La verdad es que "la familia"( homenaje al Padrino de Coppola) ha cruzado mares y oceanos hasta llegar sobre todo a Iguazu -esto si lo envidio la verdad desde que vi una peli de wang kar wai donde ua pareja gay se rencontraba y renconciliaba con las cataratas de fondo...-y sí , los glaciares y las cataratas, y el tango y las parrilladasssss
algun dia ire alli...
Hola. soy Pedro. Me es imposible ponerme en contacto contigo a partir de la dirección de correo que me dio tu madre, tambien me devuelve los e-mails mandados a tu dirección en blogger, soy de León y estoy realizando un viaje por Argentina un poco a mi bola, pasado mañana empiezo a descender hasta el Chaltén por la RN40, Perito Moreno, Torres del Paine y Tierra de fuegos. Me parece que ya no te voy a poder ver por estas zonas. Pero por lo menos aprovechamos este comentario para darte un saludo, y felicitarte por tu viaje.
Un saludo.
Pedro Lara.
Hola Pedro!
Intenta escribiendo al javi.heiwa@gmail.com
Si no dejame tu dirección por acá, y te escribo.
Me piro a ver las cataratas de Iguazu!!!
Besos a todos,
Heiwa X
que buena la foto bañandote en Patagonia toro, que esto hay que hacerlo !!
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