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[19/12/06] → The latest pictures from Argentina and Chile on the way to Isla de Pascua/Easter Island
[24/11/06] → Loads of pictures from Argentina
[24/11/06] → Even more pictures from Brazil and Peru

viernes, septiembre 15, 2006

The end is near... tutututuuuuutu

Hola a toitos! How're tricks?

I know this blog haven't been updated at all in the last few weeks... but you won't believe how hectic leaving/working in Loja with the kids can be (well... Sergio, Esther and Co have a clue, don't you?)!

It is hard... but as you can guess it is also very interesting and most of the times the job here can be described as amazing! Osku got here when I was kinda tired and running out of batteries, and he was like an energy burst! We did a couple of trips... one to Vilcabamba, where people is supposed to leave until the age of 125 and have sex at least until the are 100 years old... can you believe it? Well.. Osku and I did our bit to get the most amount of energy out of the place and climbed up the "Mandango" (not "Mandingo"). It is a shame we lost most of it in our way down... scary cliffs... trust me!

We also went to meet the so long waited Hermanito Ángel... the heart of the children project were I am staying here in Ecuador. We took all the kids for the day out thanks to Nat&Ben's sponsorship. They had an smazing day with three highlights: Roast chicken for lunch (yummy yummy), swimming pool (no words for how much they loved it!) and plain spotting while waiting for Hermanito Ángel in one of the most scary airports I've ever seen... the landing approach is breath taking!

The day after we had a welcome "café" with the Hermanito, were we could catch up, and Osku and I had the first chance of seing him in action. Awesome... he manages the older and the younger in an amazing way... and he is 81!!! All of them respect him, and he doesn't even rise his voice!!! So much to learn... and he has been like a lesson every single day since he got back. He is a really cool guy!

After that Osku and I decided that it was time to spend a couple of days by the sea. We stopped in hippy Montañita and ugly Manta... the weather wasn't too good, but when we were considering heading North to Canoa it turned even worse... so we decided to quit. Went back to Guayaquil to sort out some paper work... and come back to Loja... where all the teenagers were already waiting for us ;o)

Osku was planning to go... even before we went to the coast. But they guys here loved him so much he end up staying until the kids went back to school (and he would have stayed longer)... that was on Monday. It was my first day of school in more than 10 years... woke up early... quick breakfast... shower... check the lists... well... you know... all that shit... and funny to see all the teenagers in their uniforms (specilly when I have seen them cover in paint during the past 6 weeks... hehe). They all looked very sweet! and nervous... they got to school more than 45 mins in advance. I bet it will be the only day they are going to be on time! ;o)

Now life has gone into more rutine. I help out Ximena with the youngest kids, i.e. 3years old, in the mornings... and spend the afternoons and evenings doing homeworks of all kinds! But mainly English and Computing... I bet none of them is learning anything! :oP

But over all the new issue is that I am planning to head out myself... two months here was my commitment from the start... and I am going to follow it. I think I have given a bit (and taken a lot as it happens when working with young fellows), easy their contact with the former volunteers, and monitored the improvements in Hilda's left hand (she can grab things now... she is awesome!) :oD. My rucksack is calling me againg... and I will hit the road next week... with no clear plans yet... but I will let you know as soon as I know them... or after I have finished them ;o)

It is 1am here now... and the right time to go to bed (well the right time was a couple of hours ago... but this is my only time free... those of you who are daddys/mummys know what I am talking about!).

Hope you are all doing fine and happy back home after your holidays... I am close to (re-)start mine!!! hehe! Hugs and Kisses to all of you whereever you are!

Cuidenseme mucho! Que sepan que en estos dos meses he pensado mucho en vosotros y como atacarían cada una de las situaciones que me he encontrado. Sin que lo sepan muy bien... me han sido de una grandisima ayuda! Muchíiiisimas gracias!

Un beso muy fuerte para todas/os!!!!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa XX


Blogger osku said...

que guapo estas con los chavales en la escuela tio !! que entrepreneur !! Un abrazo, que os echo de menos toro !! O.

dom sept 17, 12:52:00 a. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo said...

hey! que tal hacía meses q no veía tus aventuras. que envidia jodío. estás pillando kilos y barba tipo alex de la iglesia o es mi imaginación? lástima que no pudiésemos coincidor por chile...ha sido una pasada. yo recién llegado a BT. puf! abrazos a los dos (veo que oscar está por ahí)! PD: me alegra ver que el programa graduate sirve para formar a los oficinistas líderes del futuro! mis aventuras las podéis seguir en david

jue sept 28, 12:26:00 p. m.  

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