Pictures update / Actualización fotos

[19/12/06] → The latest pictures from Argentina and Chile on the way to Isla de Pascua/Easter Island
[24/11/06] → Loads of pictures from Argentina
[24/11/06] → Even more pictures from Brazil and Peru

martes, abril 25, 2006

ChristChurch and it's raining!!

Hi Everybody from rainy Christchurch!

I had two summers in less than a year... two new years... and of course two autumns... and it rains in autumn, doesn't it??! Well, it's been raining for 24 hours and it doesn't seem like it is going to stop... but still... we cannot stop now :oD

Things are fine appart from that... we spend a more time in the cafes but we carry on travelling! Ahead of us we have whale watching and some hot water springs to relax and go back to the North Island and meet John and Elisa again!

No more news appart from that... Un beso muy fuerte para todos y cuidaros mucho, ok???

Ciao ciao,


viernes, abril 14, 2006

New Zealand New Zealand - Middle Earth

Hello Everybody from the beautiful islands of the Antipodes... The Land of the elfs... New Zealand!!!

It's been a while since the last post... But here seems like Gandalf is still worried about fire works more than implementing internet all over the Middle Earth... must become lazy since the orks were all well beaten up by the Fellowship ;)

Here I met mum... She did a dam long trip to come here... so I let her rest for a week before making her cook a good real Spanish omelet... hmmmmm yummy yummy... That was in Te Anau while getting ready for one of the most beautiful sceneries ever seen. They say that Mildford Sound is the 8th marvel of the world (like they say about Angkor, and many other places... but I'm not bother about the marks)... and it deserves to be in that group... we were lucky (?!?) and it was raining all day... like it does 80% of the time there... and it all looks like the mountains around the fiord are melting or that the sky is spilling all over the rock walls... no words... no pictures... no way to explain this in here... as Agos and I used to say in Vietnam ;)

But that is just one thing that keeps us with "la boca abierta". Every day we think that what we seen is so special, that the day after is not going to be that "cool"... but everyday NZ prove us wrong... Helicopter trips to the glaciers (Mum loved this one!!!!!!!!!! First helicopter ride for her... and for me... and she was behaving like a little girl on her birthday!!! so cool!!!!), treks following gorgeous rivers that reward you with blocks of ice, Volcanos and volcanic pools, black sand wild beaches -full of sandflies-, lakes (there are loads... sometimes I think this island is sinking, honestly :oD) that have all the colours you can think off... and when you think you've seen them all you go and find a grey one!!! Animals, mountains, plants... constant changeable landscapes... and great friendly people always ready to help and show you their great piece of the world!

When Elisa was giving me the great suggestions about these islands, I think she kept a lot of the information so we could get to see all this with my eyes wide wide open, and get surprised every minute we were here. Never cross my mind that I was going to see all this... you guys can have a look at the pics (as soon as Chiqui uploads them, of course)... but the probably capture 10% (at the most... considering the prof photografer that's taken the pictures) of what is kept here!!!

This is just like a little paradise for people that like nature and extreme sports (that's been postponed till the next visit... I will leave mum at home for that one ;oD)! I love it!

Hope you are all keeping fine... Spring is right there, so I am sure you are enjoying the good nice weather after the winter... We are having a great time in this side of the world, trust me ;)

Un beso super fuerte a todas/os... esto es precioso, y me encanta... y viajar con mami esta genial, sobre todo cuando cocina! Cuidaros mucho, y aquellos que estais pensando en venir por aqui (Marta y Alberto, Angel y Marta, Osku y... ejemm...)... preparaos para las sorpresas!

Heiwa XXX

PS. It is great to find someone who will search for the pleasure of searching and not for what he may find

lunes, abril 10, 2006

Ciao Ciao SE Asia!!!

Last hours in Bangkok!

I never felt quite confortable in this town... must be that I've never been here in the right mood... and always thinking about leaving instead of staying... well that is the case today... in about 5 hours I should be flying away to Hong Kong... and then NZ!

Mix feelings right now... the last couple of days I've said good bye to Oscar (I won't see him in three months from now... at least... next appointment is my birthday... but I "dunno" where), said good bye to Roger and Quim again in Bangkok (these two I don't know when I'll see them again)... and I am saying good bye to SE Asia and all the great moments and experiences I had here in the last three months (it feels like the end of the summer holidays now, but I will come back soon ;oD).

On the other hand I'm quite excited. Mum is already flying to New Zealand... 30 hours trip, and we will be both arriving at the same time in Auckland (that's great planning, isn't it?). Completely new mind set in my head... low budget is never going to be as easy as it has been in the last 90 days... but it is going to be fun :oD!

The last day in BKK was to check out the famous Royal Palace, the Esmerald Buddha and the Wat Pho and the reclining Buddha. I took the kids with me, so they could get a last pic of one of the most amazing sites in SE Asia. The place is amazing, there Chedis everywhere with golden statues, beautiful buildings, cool stone statues and all shorts of different building built by the different kings (they are all called "King Rama" and the number... no originallity here!)... and people praying with flowers and incense everywhere.

And what about the famous golden reclyning buddha???!? I was told it was big... but not that it was huge... it hardly fits in the building :oP. It is really cool. People get (god knows how many) 1 bath coins and put one in a line of (god knows how many) buckets for good luck, the main drive in the religions I've seen in this part of the world.
Makes kind of sense to worry more about the life you have now than the one you might have in the future... doesn't it???

After the classic tourism I had my last "great" Thai Massage, and started to get mentally ready for departure... had fresh fruit, good curry and a good night of sleep.

Now is time to get my bus to the airport... Can't wait to see Mum's face when landing in Auckland :oP... she doesn't know yet that she is going to be cooking home made food for 3 weeks, hehe... but I've already been dreaming about it!!! Time to put some weight on!

Take care you all... and have a lovely week... and remember to post all your recommendations for NZ! Haven't got much clue on what to do there ;oD...

Un beso muy fuerte a todas/os... parto hacia los confines del mundo... o asi parece por la de horas que me quedan de avion... Tenganme mucho cuidadin con lo que hacen, y disfruten de cada dia! Yo ya voy centrado pensando en la tortilla de patata "de la casa" que me voy a comer en cuanto encontremos un lugar con cocina!!!

LaKon Kab!

Heiwa XXX

sábado, abril 08, 2006

Sawadee kab Andaman Sea...

Hi Everybody!

I'm writing from Ao Nam in Krabi, while I am waiting for the bus to Bangkok. I only have 14 hours ride back to the capital of Thailand... pffffffffffffff!

The last few days (weeks?!) I have been in this beautiful paradise: The Andaman coast and its islands... I finally decide to leave Oscar in Kao Lak and went to Ko Phi Phi, SwedeLand #2... but if you look and ask around a little bit, you can get good tips and end up in a bungalow in a beautiful isolated beach called "ToKo Beach" with two great friends that you've just met in the ferry from Krabi...

The picture on the right is the present we had for sunrise every morning... it worths the lack of sunset... no electricity during daytime, great restarurant, and a very familiar bar... all that to make you feel even better when you are swimming at night before going to bed! Can't get any better? Some sharks while diving would have been nice... but it was very good still.

In the island I met Osku again and he brought Roger and Quim along... and the day after we met Karina in a boat trip around the islands. Great beaches and great waters... the colours are amazing!! The only thing is that the season is ending, so there is not so much going on in any of the places... not a big deal!

After a few days we went to Ko Lanta, SwedeLand #3. Also very nice... but after seeing Ko Phi Phi... and the fact that the season is nearly finished and the weather is not so good any more (you can check in the pic).

But it has also been quite a rough time... Two bad news had made the stay here a bit sad at times. Specially the fact of being so far away of people I love so much, knowing that they are going through some of the hardest moments in their lifes and I cannot be there to support then. But this is part of my life (not always holidays). There are good things, and bad ones. However... I still feel you very close, no matter where I am.

Now we have all split again... Osku is off to Malaysia, getting ready for his new single status (una mancha de mora con otra verde se quita!!!). Roger and Quim are going back to Europe... and I am ready to meet mum in NZ in a couple of days... ah... and Karina has stayed in Ko Lanta!

Well... I have to go to get my great bus back to Bangkok... Cant wait, as you can see :o). I hope you are all keeping fine, and that life goes well. Take care, ok??!!

Un beso muy fuerte para todos... en especial para Bea... que sepas que desde la distancia no dejo de pensar en ti y en tu familia.

Cuidaros mucho todos!!!

Heiwa XXX