Up the Volcano!!!!
Hola a todos! Qué tal van los preparativos de Navidad¿?
Here is Spring... and it is beautiful to walk around the streets of Santiago with all those white Tees... trust me! Got here this morning after a few days of contrast between rushing and relaxing. Don't really know if I am tired or if I am feeling superactive.
Left the island of Chiloé with its pretty wooden churches and houses after last post... and believe or not, but in the quick ferry that links the island to the Continent you can see sea lions and pinguins swimming next to the ship... super cool... can't believe we paid to watch them a few weeks ago in Península Valdés ;o) Dumb!
The weather was rubbish when I was in Puerto Varas... so I didn't stay there long... left to Valdivia before I could see the Osorno Volcano (never mind, I got to see it a couple of days later... just keep on reading). Valdivia is famous for having Spanish forts all over the place and huge Sea Lions and Cormorans that eat all the waste from the Fish Market (smaller than the London one, I am sure... but way cooler!). In summary... it is a weird place... but I couldn't find a bus that could get me to Pucón on the same day and have to spend the night there (movies night ;oD).
Once in Pucón and after a week of taking it easy I got into the rush attitude. In less than an hour since I arrived I had booked a place out of town, the climbing of the Villarica Volcano, the Hot Springs for the night, cooked dinner and done the shopping. Ok... maybe it was a couple of hours instead of one... but still... pretty stressing for my actual pace!
The HotSprings were so good that brought serious memories of Papayacta, Ecuador (don't check back in the blog... that is from the previous trip). Full moon, no clouds, a valley... well... just guess what was missing ;o).
It was a good way of going to bed before the climbing of the Volcano yesterday morning. The day started covered in mist... to become a perfect day for climbing. more than 2.800 metres to the crater, starting from 1.200. Plenty of snow from 1.500 maybe... up up up! until we got to the top. Manu, Mish, Oscar (great guide) and me were the brave team that did it from the bottom (the rest, the clever, took the chair lift). We didn't get to see any lava... but we breathed plenty of gas, trust me.
The views from the top are amazing. That's when I got to see not only the Osorno Volcano, but also the Lanin (it was shy and cloudy when we went to the park a month ago) and Tronador. There are pictures... but none of them captures the view. Sorry!
Back in town got the last overnight bus back to Santiago. And here I am... just come back from the LAN agency... where a pretty nice lady has managed to arrange my itinery and I am off to Easter Island tomorrow morning!!!! Yuuuuhuuuu!!!! Xmas is coming early for me this year... or should I say late, coz' is Spring here! Anyway... the thing is that I am off to see more (in)famous stones ;o) Can't wait!
Well... that is all for now folks... take care, keep smiling and see you soon!
Un beso fuerte para todos desde Santiago... el de Chile. Cuidenseme muchíiiiiiiiiiisimo, ok¿?
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
Here is Spring... and it is beautiful to walk around the streets of Santiago with all those white Tees... trust me! Got here this morning after a few days of contrast between rushing and relaxing. Don't really know if I am tired or if I am feeling superactive.
Left the island of Chiloé with its pretty wooden churches and houses after last post... and believe or not, but in the quick ferry that links the island to the Continent you can see sea lions and pinguins swimming next to the ship... super cool... can't believe we paid to watch them a few weeks ago in Península Valdés ;o) Dumb!

Once in Pucón and after a week of taking it easy I got into the rush attitude. In less than an hour since I arrived I had booked a place out of town, the climbing of the Villarica Volcano, the Hot Springs for the night, cooked dinner and done the shopping. Ok... maybe it was a couple of hours instead of one... but still... pretty stressing for my actual pace!
The HotSprings were so good that brought serious memories of Papayacta, Ecuador (don't check back in the blog... that is from the previous trip). Full moon, no clouds, a valley... well... just guess what was missing ;o).

The views from the top are amazing. That's when I got to see not only the Osorno Volcano, but also the Lanin (it was shy and cloudy when we went to the park a month ago) and Tronador. There are pictures... but none of them captures the view. Sorry!
Back in town got the last overnight bus back to Santiago. And here I am... just come back from the LAN agency... where a pretty nice lady has managed to arrange my itinery and I am off to Easter Island tomorrow morning!!!! Yuuuuhuuuu!!!! Xmas is coming early for me this year... or should I say late, coz' is Spring here! Anyway... the thing is that I am off to see more (in)famous stones ;o) Can't wait!
Well... that is all for now folks... take care, keep smiling and see you soon!
Un beso fuerte para todos desde Santiago... el de Chile. Cuidenseme muchíiiiiiiiiiisimo, ok¿?
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
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