Northen Patagonia (again¿?) - Argentina & Chile
Well... last time I gave any news I was in the Atlantic Ocean... and guess what... I am now back in the Pacific Ocean... I think I was missing something about it!!
We made it to Puerto Madryn and, as proper tourist, we did the trip to see the whales... and I don't know what those animals have, but they are amazing!!! I never get bored of watching at them...
(aren't they cute) sleeping everywhere. But the stars are the whales... we saw three couples, mum and just born,... beautiful. And they show as the tail to say goodbye.
We had a great sunny day... so after the show... we checked the water and went for quick swim in underpants... a classic!
The day after Osku and I split. He went back to Capital to meet the 'paddies', and I went back to the lake distric. I was hoping to meet them all in Bariloche, but they finally diceded to go up North, so no reunion :'(. In the lake distric, this time I went to the south part: Epuyen, El Hoyo and El Bolsón... spent three days getting lost (literally) in forrest, checking out new lakes, and making sure I did not forget how water falls look like! I had great time, and the weather was awesome this time. I even finally got something like a tan (not like Thailand good old days, though :oP=). From there I head to Villa La Angostura, to see the Arrayanes National Park and meet Greg, Pam, Dean and Margaret. Spent the whole day with them. Great company, and great conversations. The four of them transmit great vibes, and made me feel important... Aren't they nice¿? Great people, and I am looking forward to meeting them again.
For the night, Ignacio, was so nice and let me crash in his beautiful house and gave me dinner. Not happy with that, he shared experience and advices that he doesn't even know how important they've been to me.
From La Angostura I crossed the border into Chile... getting all the way down to Chiloé, and to find out it was as nice as I had been told so many times. This place really feels remote, and I like that. I over slept this morning and Ali, Patri, Carmen and Sonia followed the last days tendency and gave me a lift to the National Park today... which was really sweet. Otherwise I would have not been able to see it.
Tomorrow, after visiting Dalcahue and Achao, I am slowly heading North again. On my way to Santiago, and Easter Island as an interesting option in mind. Maybe in a week. Will see what destiny has in mind for me ;o)
I am off to bed now. I wish you all the best for the day, week, month... etc!! Talk to you soon!
Un beso muy fuerte a todas/os. Todo sigue bien, y con muchas ganas de veros a todas/os pronto! Cuidenseme mucho, ok¿?
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
Hola de nuevo Heiwa!
Sigo leyendo tus relatos. Aunque es en ingles me gusta como te expresas. Parece como si yo tb estuviera alli! Seguro q no visitarás Nicaragua? Me gustaria salir tb en tu historia!
Ya te di mi email pero lo vuelvo a escribir.
Hasta pronto!
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