... en realidad... ché... es medio recomplicado!
Hola a todo el mundo!!! Hello everybody!!!
Last day in this side of the Atlantic, and still a bit hangovered from the Leaving Night with Osku and Sergio... we might not see each other in some time from now, so we decided to visit "Las Cañitas" for the night! Great area... but we still prefer Palermo! More our style... more... how can I say... Cool¿? ;o)
Agos and Lore made a break in their Xmas busy agendas and it was great to meet them so we could say "See You Soon"... now that we know that the world is so little and confirmed that is rounded we are certained that we will meet again somewhere soon ;o)
Osku is already in the air, and I should be flying soon... I will only do it to make sure that what the map says is right. I think is the first time it is so up to date that it can also show the future (Thanks so much BigBro!!!)
I can't really tell you the feelings coz' I don't really understand them... let me get to the old continent so I can find words or at least find one image (that will save me a thousand words!).
The only thing that has moved to the boreal hemisphere is my Xmas attitude (there is none here... or at least it feels like none when you have lived in London before)... and I can't go without sharing with you my wishes for a great New Year and for very Happy Xmas days:
Lots of kisses!!!! Does anybody know what is the weather like in Madrid¿? I'm still in my sandals and shorts, and can't imagine the world being different ;oP Be Happy!!!!
Un beso gordo gordo, sed muy felices en estos días y Buena Onda!!!
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
I can't really tell you the feelings coz' I don't really understand them... let me get to the old continent so I can find words or at least find one image (that will save me a thousand words!).
The only thing that has moved to the boreal hemisphere is my Xmas attitude (there is none here... or at least it feels like none when you have lived in London before)... and I can't go without sharing with you my wishes for a great New Year and for very Happy Xmas days:
Lots of kisses!!!! Does anybody know what is the weather like in Madrid¿? I'm still in my sandals and shorts, and can't imagine the world being different ;oP Be Happy!!!!
Un beso gordo gordo, sed muy felices en estos días y Buena Onda!!!
Ciao ciao,
Heiwa X
toro, espero que al final hayas podido volar, que en realidad era medio complicado, no ? muy buenas fiestas para tu familia y un beso gordo !!
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