Pictures update / Actualización fotos
[19/12/06] → | The latest pictures from Argentina and Chile on the way to Isla de Pascua/Easter Island |
[24/11/06] → | Loads of pictures from Argentina |
[24/11/06] → | Even more pictures from Brazil and Peru |
lunes, enero 30, 2006
!!!!Feliz Anho Nuevo!!!!
Happy New Year!!!!
It is the year of the dog!!!! And what does that mean??? Absolutely nothing to me, but there are lots of people in this side of the world that are really aware of it.
It has been pretty special the feeling of celebrating the New Year twice in a month... ;o) and also to watch the fireworks from a Hue's bridge next to the Citadel. Three months ago (well a couple of weeks ago) I could not think of the sensation of being away and now things happen every day that make this trip so different to being on Holidays.
Since last post I've been in Hoi An (I am sure that they could do taylor made scruffy clothes for me if I ask them to) and visited the old Charm town of MySon. And also Hue, its Citadel and the Tumbs around the river Perfume (it doesn't smell to anything in particular though). All very nice. All very pretty. But I need a break of dragons, trust me. So I am learning a lot about the history of Vietnam... but not much about the recent past... i.e. American war.
Thanks for the tip M-b... but I was already in Hue when I saw your recommendation about the Marmaid. We found some good places in Hoi An anyway ;o). Any suggestions about Hanoi or Halong Bay???????!?
BTW, I think I am going to be the only person visiting Vietnam, with out seeing the tunnels, the war museum or anything of that sort. Reason Whay??? Well, it is not only my atitude against weapons and wars... it is also the fact that in New Year the whole country stops and it is very difficult to find a place in any of the bus trips arranged by the tour operators. Shame.
Now I am off to Hanoi... and then to Halong Bay. The weather is pretty bad around here now... but hope it gets better there.
I hope you are all keeping yourself well... and that you don't work too much. You know I would not do it!!!
Besos para todos!!!
miércoles, enero 25, 2006
Saigon, Mekhong and Nha Trang
Well... It has been a busy week... and most of the time on the road or on the boat!!!
i.e. no posts!
What have I been doing this time???? Well... first I moved myself to Saigon... great town, great felling and great people. We had to crossed a river we crossed the border... we tip the guards... and we were welcome in Vietnam. The assistant even sang a song for us... amazing!!!! Trust me, this country is quality.
Saigon, is a crazy town, with bikes coming from all directions... just crossing the road is a big high. We even got ourselves in the New Year's party of LG... just because we were round eyes!!!! That was the first Vietnamese lesson I had (forgot everything already!!!! :oD). That was after having a great dinner of Beef in a bamboo roll...
The day after we went to a turistic tour around the Mekhong... a bit boring... but interesting to be in a paddling boat... in the delta... and thinking on all the Americans that made all the way here to struggle through the jungle (what a waste of time!!! They should have been in the restaurants!!!).
After that I came to Nha Trang to do some diving with corals and funny fishes... but didn't know that the weather was going to change so much... and today the visibility was horrendous (sth like two metres!!!)... so I guess it is a good time to move on.
I get the bus in an hour... next stop: Hoi An... I have been told that it is a great city and I can't wait to see it.
I hope you all are having a good time where ever you are. Take care and see you soon.
Muchos besos para todos!!!!
PS. The pics are all in:
sábado, enero 21, 2006
Say Good Bye to Phnom Penh
Hi all... tomorrow I am off to HCMC (Saigon).
Phnom Penh it has been great. The sunsets by the lake... the moto rides... all very cool. But it is also a very hard encounter with the worst bit of human nature. All the stuff of what Pol Pot did make one feel sick and wonder how humans can think of something so cruel.
It is also a good example of how the "western" countries support a cruel regimen in the name of democracy and human rights... were it was only the own interest and the fear of communism. Really scary when you see it here. The worst bit is the memorial of the Killing Fields. There you still can see bones coming out of the surface while you are walking around. Ben Kelly will find this fascinating ;o)... but when you consider that they have already taken out more than 8000 skulls... is scary to think that there still boddies in the field.
Even though the families were broken and destroyed... and considering that it wasn't so long ago, it is amazing that this people is already smiling and thinking about the future. They work hard and there are more children going to school than beggin in the streets (in fact there aren't so many). And if they do, they are more than happy if you give them food... also really refreshing, cos' it shows that they are not spoilt (yet??!?).
People might think different, and this is only an oppinion from one day in this crazy city of motos all over the place.
Also a visit to the National Museum makes me wish so much to visit Angkor Wat... It is amazing what they have here... Can't wait to see the real thing!
Tomorrow is time to set off to Saigon... and relax for sometime in the beach... hopefully soon!!!!
Hope you are all keeping well!
Muchos besos Europa/America donde quiera que estes (guinho a una de mis series de television favoritas... muy muy muy vieja!)
Ciao Ciao,
Phnom Penh it has been great. The sunsets by the lake... the moto rides... all very cool. But it is also a very hard encounter with the worst bit of human nature. All the stuff of what Pol Pot did make one feel sick and wonder how humans can think of something so cruel.
It is also a good example of how the "western" countries support a cruel regimen in the name of democracy and human rights... were it was only the own interest and the fear of communism. Really scary when you see it here. The worst bit is the memorial of the Killing Fields. There you still can see bones coming out of the surface while you are walking around. Ben Kelly will find this fascinating ;o)... but when you consider that they have already taken out more than 8000 skulls... is scary to think that there still boddies in the field.
Even though the families were broken and destroyed... and considering that it wasn't so long ago, it is amazing that this people is already smiling and thinking about the future. They work hard and there are more children going to school than beggin in the streets (in fact there aren't so many). And if they do, they are more than happy if you give them food... also really refreshing, cos' it shows that they are not spoilt (yet??!?).
People might think different, and this is only an oppinion from one day in this crazy city of motos all over the place.
Also a visit to the National Museum makes me wish so much to visit Angkor Wat... It is amazing what they have here... Can't wait to see the real thing!
Tomorrow is time to set off to Saigon... and relax for sometime in the beach... hopefully soon!!!!
Hope you are all keeping well!
Muchos besos Europa/America donde quiera que estes (guinho a una de mis series de television favoritas... muy muy muy vieja!)
Ciao Ciao,
viernes, enero 20, 2006
Llegada a Phnom Pen (Capital de Cambodia) - lazy again, i.e. no English
"Me gustaria compartir este momento con vosotros. El cielo va cambiando sus tonos morados por el negro nocturno. El agua del lago los refleja y los mezcla con las ondas que produce la suave brisa. Orquideas y flores de colores muestran los suenhos que hacia tiempo que no recordabas. La musica va llevandote a esos lugares por los que has pasado para llegar hasta aqui... y la sensacion de tranquilidad es muy buena."
Esto es lo que me dio por escribir al llegar a la GuestHouse en Phnom Penh al ladito del lago. Tras un trepidante viaje de moto desde el aeropuerto. Pense que el pulso no me iba a bajar de 240 en una semana... pero claro, luego llegas y te encuentras una estampa del atardecer... y lo que ocurre es que hasta yo pienso que puedo escribir... ju@sju@s!
Atras queda KL en esta carrera por ser la persona que mas visados consigue en menos tiempo. Van seis paises en los ultimos 10 dias... y como me despiste esto aumenta otro mas en un par de dias. Prometo que esto se va para en algun momento... pero habia que cambiar planes urgentemente. Ya hay confirmacion de que Osku se une el 23 de Febrero en Bangkok... de Pitu sabemos que esta a la espera de estar a la espera... y de Danilovich no sabersmos absolutamente nada... pero sabremos ;o)
KL ha estado muy bien... sobre todo por el grupillo que nos juntamos y las noches de fiesta. Ademas de Tobi y Michael se unieron Helen y Louise, dos Australianas que venian de disfrutar de la isla de Penang. Entre lo mejor de todo el garito en el que nos quedamos. Un hotelito de 4* al lado de las petronas. Asi que estabamos de lujo (literalmente). El precio era mejor que el de los hostels... asi que aunque fue una dura decision entre el pundonor y el orgullo del mochilero... y el cerebro practico... nos quedamos en el hotelazo (vaya cara cuando le dijimos al taxista a donde ibamos... con la mochila y la ropa llena de mierda... puffff). El merito todo de Michael!!!! Gracias, campeon!!! Las torres petronas nos hartamos de verlas... pero siguen impresionandome... este rollo de ciudad vertical (tipo Moebius) es mu fuerte!!!
Las fotos nuevamente se haran esperar... porque en este mundo de ordenadores con Windows XP Professional... corriendo en ordenadores que ni siquiera existia el USB cuando los hicieron... es imposible que las pase. Pero no os preocupeis, que como veo que teneis mucho tiempo libre y que este tema os esta gustando... pues yo mantengo la informacion al dia. Y si de verdad estais aburridos y desesperados... podeis ver las fotos que he mandado hasta ahora en: A ver si alguno mas se apunta a dejar algunas cosas 'behind' y unirse a esta historia!
Bueno... no hay mas por hoy. En cuanto pueda os mando fotos de lo visto hasta ahora.
Un besillo fuerte para todos/as.
PS... como seguro que todos os estais mordiendo las unhas con la duda, la terrible duda, con su simpatico nombre de perrita rusa: no... no me lie con ninguna de las dos ;o)
Esto es lo que me dio por escribir al llegar a la GuestHouse en Phnom Penh al ladito del lago. Tras un trepidante viaje de moto desde el aeropuerto. Pense que el pulso no me iba a bajar de 240 en una semana... pero claro, luego llegas y te encuentras una estampa del atardecer... y lo que ocurre es que hasta yo pienso que puedo escribir... ju@sju@s!
Atras queda KL en esta carrera por ser la persona que mas visados consigue en menos tiempo. Van seis paises en los ultimos 10 dias... y como me despiste esto aumenta otro mas en un par de dias. Prometo que esto se va para en algun momento... pero habia que cambiar planes urgentemente. Ya hay confirmacion de que Osku se une el 23 de Febrero en Bangkok... de Pitu sabemos que esta a la espera de estar a la espera... y de Danilovich no sabersmos absolutamente nada... pero sabremos ;o)
KL ha estado muy bien... sobre todo por el grupillo que nos juntamos y las noches de fiesta. Ademas de Tobi y Michael se unieron Helen y Louise, dos Australianas que venian de disfrutar de la isla de Penang. Entre lo mejor de todo el garito en el que nos quedamos. Un hotelito de 4* al lado de las petronas. Asi que estabamos de lujo (literalmente). El precio era mejor que el de los hostels... asi que aunque fue una dura decision entre el pundonor y el orgullo del mochilero... y el cerebro practico... nos quedamos en el hotelazo (vaya cara cuando le dijimos al taxista a donde ibamos... con la mochila y la ropa llena de mierda... puffff). El merito todo de Michael!!!! Gracias, campeon!!! Las torres petronas nos hartamos de verlas... pero siguen impresionandome... este rollo de ciudad vertical (tipo Moebius) es mu fuerte!!!
Las fotos nuevamente se haran esperar... porque en este mundo de ordenadores con Windows XP Professional... corriendo en ordenadores que ni siquiera existia el USB cuando los hicieron... es imposible que las pase. Pero no os preocupeis, que como veo que teneis mucho tiempo libre y que este tema os esta gustando... pues yo mantengo la informacion al dia. Y si de verdad estais aburridos y desesperados... podeis ver las fotos que he mandado hasta ahora en: A ver si alguno mas se apunta a dejar algunas cosas 'behind' y unirse a esta historia!
Bueno... no hay mas por hoy. En cuanto pueda os mando fotos de lo visto hasta ahora.
Un besillo fuerte para todos/as.
PS... como seguro que todos os estais mordiendo las unhas con la duda, la terrible duda, con su simpatico nombre de perrita rusa: no... no me lie con ninguna de las dos ;o)
miércoles, enero 18, 2006
Melaka to KL
Hi everybody!!!
So here we are... in Melaka, Malacca or however you want to call it!!! Arrived here with a couple of German fellows who speak spanish better than I do...
Melaka is a colonial town with a couple of interesting buildings, and a seashore that we cannot really enjoy, as it is raining quite often... and belive me... when it rains here... it does bloody rain!!!!!!!! So I have decided to buy a ticket to Phnom Penh for Friday... and leave Malaysia... I think I am trying to break a world record... it will be my 6th country in 10 days... but I will reserve Malaysia for better weather and Osku.
We are now ready to go to KL. We should be able to add an extra bed an enjoy a decent hotel with a swiming pool... we are going to indulge ourselves a little bit (I hope the place looks like the website!!!!). My fellow travellers, Mike and Tobbi, are making this a little bit cheaper for me!!!
Have a good one.
Besos para todas... y bueno... venga... tambien para todos!!!
Ciao ciao,
So here we are... in Melaka, Malacca or however you want to call it!!! Arrived here with a couple of German fellows who speak spanish better than I do...
Melaka is a colonial town with a couple of interesting buildings, and a seashore that we cannot really enjoy, as it is raining quite often... and belive me... when it rains here... it does bloody rain!!!!!!!! So I have decided to buy a ticket to Phnom Penh for Friday... and leave Malaysia... I think I am trying to break a world record... it will be my 6th country in 10 days... but I will reserve Malaysia for better weather and Osku.
We are now ready to go to KL. We should be able to add an extra bed an enjoy a decent hotel with a swiming pool... we are going to indulge ourselves a little bit (I hope the place looks like the website!!!!). My fellow travellers, Mike and Tobbi, are making this a little bit cheaper for me!!!
Have a good one.
Besos para todas... y bueno... venga... tambien para todos!!!
Ciao ciao,
martes, enero 17, 2006
HK Pics and Sg pic

HK has been a great experience... and definitely it is a great city to live in... for not more than 6 months... I think any one would go nuts there (Steve was a good sample of it ;oD)
We had a great time, and Divia, Ramez and Steve were incredibly kind in showing HK's night live... though we suffer it the day after. Best place of the night: Gekko... be brave and try to find it if you are ever in HK... it is not an easy task, but it worths the effort.
It was great to have a drink after a whole day of markets. Specially when you are as lucky as me to go with two girls ready to buy everything they see. Great experience honestly. I had a free training in Bargain, with the extra lesson on "how to get your money back in the Lady's Market" by Nicola Griffiths. That was great.
Leigh wasn't much softer.

The next day we went off to see the largest outside sitting bronce Buddha (there might be a bigger one made of stone... but when it comes to bronce... this is the one!!). This was in Lantau Island, and I thought it was the right time to take a pic with my travel buddies. It is good to introduce them to the spiritual life at an early age... well... that is what they did with me, and I am now a full agnostic believer. Isobella and Harvey.
Then we had the fantastic idea of going hyking... and in the pic you can see the wisdom path...

Anyway... I am off to Melaka... if I find the right bus, of course. I will take it from there... and let you know how are things going.
Just one more thing! Thanks for all the comments and emails... I miss you all a lot! I didn't know that so many people were going to be reading this. Hope you are all fine.
Dani, muchas gracias por escribir... cuidate mucho! A los demas tambien... pero es que de Dani hacia mucho mas que no sabia nada! Un besazo para todos... Me piro de aqui!!!!
Heiwa X
lunes, enero 16, 2006
Datos sobre HK
I do apologize for the lack of English message today, but I am toooooooooo tired to write two messages. Just let you know that I've arrived to Sg today, and that I think that I am out of here tomorrow... havent decided yet... but I can see that happening ;o)... ah! and this computer cannot upload the pictures... it si not that it has been stolen already ;oD. You all take care!!!! Heiwa X
Bueno... y en espanhol... pues respondo a las cuestiones...
El garito con un banho con vistas se llama Fenix, y esta en lo alto del hotel Peninsula... mu chulo... pero yo no pude acceder al interior por cometer el gravisimo error de llevar bermudas y playeros. Lo primero lo podria haber solucionado si no hiciera un calor de mil demonios... pero lo segundo habria sido ya imposible... aunque me podria haber comprado unos 'prada' superfalsos e ir mas chulo que nadie, claro!
Para salir por la noche, el mejor sitio es uno que se llama Gekko, que esta escondido en una callejuela y es para los locales. Tuvimos una ayuda inestimable de Divia, Steve y Ramez... si no este sitio no lo encontramos nunca!!!
Las pantallas gigantes con el volumen a tope son la canha... te crees que estas rodeado de replicantes por todas partes. Se llamaban Nexus??? No soy lo suficiente freak para conocerlo.
Las fotos imposible incluirlas todavia... estos ordenadores son una patata y no funciona mi camara (bueno... la camara tambien es bastante mala...). El prox mensaje llevara foto por narices!!! y se veran algunos rascacielos!
Por cierto... que necesitamos ayuda para que Pitu consiga una beca y se de una vuelta por estos lares. Asi que propongo una tormenta de ideas... todas son validas. El caso es que hay una asociación para mecenazgo de proyectos artísticos. Por ahora se le ha ocurrido hacer un seguimiento artístico del viaje y relacionarla de alguna manera con el arte contemporáneo de los sitios por donde pasemos. Cualquier idea es estupenda... y puede hacer que esto derive en una locura de viaje!!!
Un beso muy fuerte a todos!!!!
Bueno... y en espanhol... pues respondo a las cuestiones...
El garito con un banho con vistas se llama Fenix, y esta en lo alto del hotel Peninsula... mu chulo... pero yo no pude acceder al interior por cometer el gravisimo error de llevar bermudas y playeros. Lo primero lo podria haber solucionado si no hiciera un calor de mil demonios... pero lo segundo habria sido ya imposible... aunque me podria haber comprado unos 'prada' superfalsos e ir mas chulo que nadie, claro!
Para salir por la noche, el mejor sitio es uno que se llama Gekko, que esta escondido en una callejuela y es para los locales. Tuvimos una ayuda inestimable de Divia, Steve y Ramez... si no este sitio no lo encontramos nunca!!!
Las pantallas gigantes con el volumen a tope son la canha... te crees que estas rodeado de replicantes por todas partes. Se llamaban Nexus??? No soy lo suficiente freak para conocerlo.
Las fotos imposible incluirlas todavia... estos ordenadores son una patata y no funciona mi camara (bueno... la camara tambien es bastante mala...). El prox mensaje llevara foto por narices!!! y se veran algunos rascacielos!
Por cierto... que necesitamos ayuda para que Pitu consiga una beca y se de una vuelta por estos lares. Asi que propongo una tormenta de ideas... todas son validas. El caso es que hay una asociación para mecenazgo de proyectos artísticos. Por ahora se le ha ocurrido hacer un seguimiento artístico del viaje y relacionarla de alguna manera con el arte contemporáneo de los sitios por donde pasemos. Cualquier idea es estupenda... y puede hacer que esto derive en una locura de viaje!!!
Un beso muy fuerte a todos!!!!
viernes, enero 13, 2006
Hong Kong Connection
After a quick stop over in London, where I met lots of good friends, visit the office (felt a bit left out as I don't have a proper passcard) and played a good basketball match (which I've been regretting during the whole 11hours flight!!!) I finally arrived in HK.
Managed to find my hostel... even though I needed to pass in front of it around ten times... that gives you a clue of how cool it is. Good thing: it is cheap!!
Now it is time to have a nice drink surrounded with skyscrapers (I might try to get a view of the bay)
Ahora un poquillo en Espanol. Esta ciudad es una pasada... la meca de los constructores... aqui nadie ha considerado lo de "un maximo de 4 alturas"... todos tienen una media de 40 yo creo. Ahora, de vistas nada... porque estan todos encima de los otros... asi que aunque te compres el ultimo piso sigue sin darte el sol.
Luego la mezcla entre supertecnologia y supercutreria es tremenda... no hay termino medio. Aqui estoy con un ordenador que funciona casi a manivela, con Windows XP y WiFi con ADSL... y la habitacion es para no perdersela... un claro ejemplo de impedir que te traigas a nadie contigo... porque uno de los dos se tiene que quedar fuera (grande, lo que se dice grande, no es!)
Bueno un besote muy fuerte, y me voy a dar una vuelta por la ciudad!
Managed to find my hostel... even though I needed to pass in front of it around ten times... that gives you a clue of how cool it is. Good thing: it is cheap!!
Now it is time to have a nice drink surrounded with skyscrapers (I might try to get a view of the bay)
Ahora un poquillo en Espanol. Esta ciudad es una pasada... la meca de los constructores... aqui nadie ha considerado lo de "un maximo de 4 alturas"... todos tienen una media de 40 yo creo. Ahora, de vistas nada... porque estan todos encima de los otros... asi que aunque te compres el ultimo piso sigue sin darte el sol.
Luego la mezcla entre supertecnologia y supercutreria es tremenda... no hay termino medio. Aqui estoy con un ordenador que funciona casi a manivela, con Windows XP y WiFi con ADSL... y la habitacion es para no perdersela... un claro ejemplo de impedir que te traigas a nadie contigo... porque uno de los dos se tiene que quedar fuera (grande, lo que se dice grande, no es!)
Bueno un besote muy fuerte, y me voy a dar una vuelta por la ciudad!
miércoles, enero 11, 2006
London - Back home... and got the ticket!!

I arrived in London yesterday at lunch time... and felt like home. Great!! Head off to Oscar's and then quickly to pick up the ticket from Trailfinders... Yuhuuuu!!!!! (See pic). It really deserved a nice beer to cool the nerves down.
After that... another drink and dinner with the good friends... proper QQT (Quality Qime Together)!!
To be honest it doesnt feel like I have started the tirp yet... the worst bit is that my luggage was set up for the summer... and here is gray and pissing down... real London... you know?

Ok... I am leaving to have lunch with a good friend (honestly... I really feel at home... I do miss this rainy city!!!)
Ciao ciao!
sábado, enero 07, 2006
Leon... and here we go!!!

Leon is the first place in the trip. Maybe not to visit... I know it pretty well... but it clearly deserves the first picture. Before I left London I promised Andy that I will take pics of Isobella and Harvey in any cool place I visited... well, Leon's cathedral is among the great monuments of the world (if not more!!?!). And, of course, it is soooooooooooo cool ;)
Well I need to go back to my backpack, and decide if I take one t-shirt or two... check the malaria tablets... and any other stuff.... ah... and make sure I picked the passport!!
See you soon!