Say Good Bye to Phnom Penh
Hi all... tomorrow I am off to HCMC (Saigon).
Phnom Penh it has been great. The sunsets by the lake... the moto rides... all very cool. But it is also a very hard encounter with the worst bit of human nature. All the stuff of what Pol Pot did make one feel sick and wonder how humans can think of something so cruel.
It is also a good example of how the "western" countries support a cruel regimen in the name of democracy and human rights... were it was only the own interest and the fear of communism. Really scary when you see it here. The worst bit is the memorial of the Killing Fields. There you still can see bones coming out of the surface while you are walking around. Ben Kelly will find this fascinating ;o)... but when you consider that they have already taken out more than 8000 skulls... is scary to think that there still boddies in the field.
Even though the families were broken and destroyed... and considering that it wasn't so long ago, it is amazing that this people is already smiling and thinking about the future. They work hard and there are more children going to school than beggin in the streets (in fact there aren't so many). And if they do, they are more than happy if you give them food... also really refreshing, cos' it shows that they are not spoilt (yet??!?).
People might think different, and this is only an oppinion from one day in this crazy city of motos all over the place.
Also a visit to the National Museum makes me wish so much to visit Angkor Wat... It is amazing what they have here... Can't wait to see the real thing!
Tomorrow is time to set off to Saigon... and relax for sometime in the beach... hopefully soon!!!!
Hope you are all keeping well!
Muchos besos Europa/America donde quiera que estes (guinho a una de mis series de television favoritas... muy muy muy vieja!)
Ciao Ciao,
Phnom Penh it has been great. The sunsets by the lake... the moto rides... all very cool. But it is also a very hard encounter with the worst bit of human nature. All the stuff of what Pol Pot did make one feel sick and wonder how humans can think of something so cruel.
It is also a good example of how the "western" countries support a cruel regimen in the name of democracy and human rights... were it was only the own interest and the fear of communism. Really scary when you see it here. The worst bit is the memorial of the Killing Fields. There you still can see bones coming out of the surface while you are walking around. Ben Kelly will find this fascinating ;o)... but when you consider that they have already taken out more than 8000 skulls... is scary to think that there still boddies in the field.
Even though the families were broken and destroyed... and considering that it wasn't so long ago, it is amazing that this people is already smiling and thinking about the future. They work hard and there are more children going to school than beggin in the streets (in fact there aren't so many). And if they do, they are more than happy if you give them food... also really refreshing, cos' it shows that they are not spoilt (yet??!?).
People might think different, and this is only an oppinion from one day in this crazy city of motos all over the place.
Also a visit to the National Museum makes me wish so much to visit Angkor Wat... It is amazing what they have here... Can't wait to see the real thing!
Tomorrow is time to set off to Saigon... and relax for sometime in the beach... hopefully soon!!!!
Hope you are all keeping well!
Muchos besos Europa/America donde quiera que estes (guinho a una de mis series de television favoritas... muy muy muy vieja!)
Ciao Ciao,
Nuevo país en breve, bro. La otra cara de la lucha comunismo-capitalismo. En este caso verás la cara de los desmanes hechos "por la libertad" (se concedió un premio Nobel de la Paz a un criminal como Kissinger). Ya contarás como es el resurgir de Vietnam. Sigues tu viaje hacia el fondo...
Fotos actualizadas! Kuala Lumpur y Saigon (solo una de momento).
Deberias llevar un enano de jardin para ir haciendo las fotos con ellll...jajajaja por cierto (y con todo el cariño y la curiosidad insana y didactica )quienes son esos Kens que te acompañan en Kuala lumpur¿lo es cribi bien?..jajaja en serio me encantan esas fotos tan fantasticas y lugareñas con los ropajes tradicionales...
La miseria y los "crimenes" del comunismo , las familias rotas, las ruinas de Angkor ..todo eso es la realidad y el simbolo de la caida...`y el autentico viaje ...
(aqui ya me rayé)
"Sorgo rojo" lo refleja muy bien.
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