Pictures update / Actualización fotos

[19/12/06] → The latest pictures from Argentina and Chile on the way to Isla de Pascua/Easter Island
[24/11/06] → Loads of pictures from Argentina
[24/11/06] → Even more pictures from Brazil and Peru

viernes, octubre 27, 2006

Dieguitos y Mafaldas!

Hola a todos!!!

Bueno, despues de un par de posts, distanciados y retrasados, llega el momento de escribir algo un poquito actualizado... verdad¿?... bueno... hace mas de una semana que dejé la samba y Brasil... y lo cambié por Tango, Bifé de Chorizo y los aires Argentinos que tan bien me sientan!

Especialmente con la llegada a BsAs... una ciudad increible... mi primera sensación (inevitable hacer comparaciones) fue como estar en Madrid, pero rodeado de gente que habla taaaaaan lindo!!! Además de encontrarme con Sergio, Esther, Agos, Shayna, Osku... era literalmente como estar en casa... y al mismo tiempo dentro de una tira cómica de Mafalda o una de las canciones del crapulilla Sabina (acá les encanta!). Pasear por sus calles, volver al mundo de las cafeterías, museos, bares... sin duda alguna una ciudad especial!

Por acá es superfacil desplazarse... se trata solo de tiempo y un poco de plata... por lo demás las infraestructuras están montadas. Una maravilla... y en los autobuses te dan de comer hasta que te hartes!! Estos Argentinos son unos artistas :oD

Ahorita estoy por Bariloche, despues de una visitilla a Mendoza a retomar el placer del vino y a alucinar con la vista del Aconcagua (la montaña más alta fuera del Himalaya) y todas las montañas que lo rodean... un paisaje inolvidable!

Ahora estoy por Bariloche, rodeado de lagos de ensueño, montañas nevadas y paisajes bien verdes (en contraste con la aridez de Mendoza). Ayer nos agarramos una bici y nos recorrimos una pequeña parte de las orillas del lago Nahuel Huapi y subimos al cerro campanario para ver toda la region de los lagos desde el alto. Una maravilla!! Tuvimos suerte con el dia, y nos acompañó el sol durante todo el tiempo... hoy las cosas han cambiado... y estamos descubriendo porque esta zona ya forma parte de la Patagonia!

Quizá mañana los vientos nos lleven hacia San Martin de los Andes... para seguir descubriendo las maravillas de esta región!

Un besito muy muy fuerte a todas/os... y perdón por la falta de noticias! Espero que esteis todos cuidandoos en esta llegada del Otoño ;o)

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa X

martes, octubre 24, 2006

Obrigado... Obrigado Voçé!

Oi everybody!!!! Tudo Bem? Tudo Bem!

Just arrived in Aregentina after a couple of weeks downing Caipirinhas in southern Brazil with Osku (3rd time we meet so far in 3 diff countries) and Chau (surprise surprise).

I got to Brazil on 4th Nov, and found out that Dri had to leave Sao Paulo, so I decided not to stop there and head directly to the beautiful little town of Parati for a couple of days, a stopover in my way to Rio. Parati is surrounded by lots of beaches that are well known in all the guides, but ther is one they forgot to mention: Praia do Sono... amazing hidden beach that you find out after walking for almost 1 hour through a tropical forrest. You have to take my word for it, coz' the stupid memory card went wrong again and so far I haven't been able to repair it... sh*t!

From there I had to make my way to my date. Organizer: Osku. Invitees: Chau, Osku and Javitron. Time: 13.30 (Brazilian time). Meeting point: IPANEMA BEACH, Río de Janeiro!! Cool, isn't it¿?

Arriving into this "cidade maravilhosa" (I copied this from Osku) is like being in one of those video brochures of travel agencies. You feel that you've been here before. Still, the setting of this city is spectacular and leaves yo out of breath when you watch it from the top of the Sugar Loaf.

The weather wasn't too good though, so we decided to visit Petropolis (did you know Brazil had an Emperor¿? I didn't have a clue until I got there ;oD). Then... as the weather wasn't getting better we went for a bit of beach time in Buzios. We went diving there... well... I should say we tried to go diving. We had a 'bit' of rough sea, i.e.... merky waters and sea sickness. I think Chau still has nightmares over this day.

Chau lef us for the Iguazu falls (fair enough!) on the morning of the 13th, but Rio decided to be kind and gave us the chance of seeing Corcovado just before heading to the Airport.

We were sad to see her go, and the only thing that could make us feel better was to put another tick in the box: "swimming in Ipanema". Not the best beach in the world... true... but who cares... It was IPANEMA!!!

Osky and I, on our own now, backpackers again (Chau treat us to some comodities we had already forgotten... i.e. not eating at Bob's ;oD) made a bold move and got an 18 hours bus to Florianapolis... pffffff... it was raining when we got there, so we decided to carry on to Puerto Alegre!!!! Another 8 hours! That was a killer, trust me. Specially when you feel you are arriving into 'Dark City'.

Amazing nightlife though ;o)!

We went for a quick dinner and we end up staying till 4am. Happy Music. Beautiful girls. Good beer. And a good friend! The best night out so far since the trip started.

PA on a Sunday is not a place to stay, so we went to Canela, a little town that looks like Switzerland, with people that look like Swiss, with Swiss landscape, and swiss prices... just that everybody speaks Portuguese. Weird!

Now I am in a bus (I am witting this here coz' I never find time to update the blog... and I forget things) on my way to BsAs. Osku has probably already arrived in Montevideo. i have been here 17hours... and I have at least another 3 to go. The road is straight. No corners. It has been like this for the last 2 hours. They don't play films. AirCon is at its maximum and sleeping is not an option... just the way I like travelling... Great!

3 hours more and I will meet Sergio and Esther. More from there... or from Bariloche... if I get time to update thisª

Muitos Besijnos a todas y abrazinhos a todos... cuidense mucho. Empieza la aventura Porteña!

Ciao ciao,

Heiwa XX

lunes, octubre 09, 2006

Stones & Pichus

After a couple of days of seeing Inca ruins and listening to peculiar and contradictory stories from funny guides I finally found myself in the Orient Express train to Aguas Calientes. "Basecamp" of Machu Pichu.

I woke up early with only one objetive: If there's a chance of geting to MP before sunrise I want to take it. I started a race up the inca stairs, breaking the world record with my 58 min mark.

During my way up I met people that had the same idea as me... but were brave enough to wake up earlier. However, they were not as strong, handsome, used to high altitude and stupidly stubborn as me. My legs were aking for 3 days!!!

So I made it to the first Pichu, Machu, just after 6am. Better than the sunrise (it was partially cloudy) was the chance of seeing MP with hardly any tourist.

Machu Pichu is an amazing place. Not only for what it is but for where it is. The mountains, the valleys, the jungle... and the river, make the Pichus a magical place.

At 7am I made my way to the second Pichu, Wayna, meeting point for early visitors and crazy hikers. Met Daniel (who disappered 15min after offering me to stay at his in Sao Paulo... funny Brazilians!), Sebastian and Shayna (we had exchange photographs at the endless stairway to the Inca Heaven an hour before).

From there we (Shayna, Sebastian and me... Daniel had gone!!!) started the super trek through the jungle following an Inca path to the Temple of the Moon and the Great Cavern. More stones placed in a tidy way following the stars and sorrounded by beautiful views. Only 5% of the tourist make their way here... you can guess how quiet it was at 9am. Perfect to enjoy the quietness... and a lunch break!

Sebastian quit the group before going up the third Pichu (don't remember the name... it started with a 'H'). A good place to test my "vertigo" for the nth time and two get a great view of the first two Pichus... and to start making up stories as if we were tourist guides!!

At Peak tourist hour we went for another luch, leaving the breath taking (specially if you are scared of hights) Inca Bridge and the beautiful and tranquil sunset fr the end of the day. The location chosen: the place were all the MP brochure pictures are taken ;o)

We said goodbye to the "spiritual" city of Machu Pichu and started decending the stairs again while it was getting dark.

At the end of the stairway, the half moon and the cold waters of the Urubamba river compleed a perfect day. Nothing like a night swim after a whole day walking to calm our tired feet.

- This all happened a week ago... but it is what I wrote then... and therefore you should read it as such... some of the pics got lost... but hopefully you will be able to see some of them up in the site soon.

Hope you are doing well... I will tell you how it is going in Brazil soon... off to Buzios tomorrow... see if we can get wet and see some fishes!!!

Muchos besos a todos desde el Atlántico!!!!!

Ciao Ciao,

Heiwa XX