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miércoles, febrero 08, 2006

Tisingtao Vietnam

Hello everybody!!!

Well tomorrow is the end of my visit of this country where they perfectly paint the front of each house and they forget to paint the sides :o). The problems with the Visa forced me to leave it, so tomorrow I am off to Bangkok, and then to Mumbai, if I can change the flight ticket... we will see tomorrow when I get there.

The last few days in Vietnam have been really cool, specially Halong Bay. i can recommend anybody to visit it. The scenery is just amazing. I don't think there is really a word that can describe it. The weather wasn't very good, but still, the views are breathtaking. I think it is impossible to capture it in a picture (pictures that I haven't been able to upload yet, BTW). So you will really have to come here to understand what I am talking about.

From Hanoi I take a mixture of feelings. The town is more authentic than Saigon, and it has more character. However I don't think the people is as friendly and happy as they were in the south. Having said this, I have to admit that it was here where happened one of the most incredible things of the trip. Thanks to Agos curiosity (I have been travelling with Agos and Bren since we left Hoi An a week ago) we found ourselves in the middle of a private ceremony where a medium (a lady with the ability to talk with the dead ancestress) offered different kind of things, such as drink, food, cigarettes, money... to the divinities and past kings and then shared it with us. During this ceremony she will wear the different kimonos of the dead ancestress changing them every 10 or 15 min. She will also, each time, dance with the weapon associated to the Kimono she was wearing. It was incredible... specially because i didn't even know that something like that could exist. If any one know anything more about this ritual, please add your comment, as I am really interested to understand what I have been part off (nobody there spoke a word of English... well... one could speak a bit of broken English... but this was too deep for her level :oP).

Apart from that, today has been a kind of a sad day. A bit of tourism in the morning... Ho Chi Ming mausoleum, one pillar pagoda, the temple of Literature, the water puppets (this is really good!!!! If you have the chance of seeing it wherever you are... go for it!). But after that it has been the moment to say goodbye to all the people I have met while being in Vietnam: Miguel and Rosi (the constant travellers), Mario (the crazy Sicilian... Toro Loco!!!) and Agos and Bren (!!!!Soys Grandes!!!! Os voy a echar mucho de menos!!!), my two beautiful travel mates through the north of VietNam.

So here we are... on my own again... and heading towards a new country... I have with me some great recommendations from Miguel and Rosi... and I will certainly follow them ;o)

Hope you are all fine!!!!

Cuidaros mucho... y espero que esteis felices. Como dice un muy buen amigo: Que tengais siempre alegria en el cuerpo. Un beso muy fuerte para todos... especialmente para ellas!

